In the Community

The impact of social media on body image and mental heath

June 15, 2022

Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter. Chances are, you are one of the billions of people who use at least one of these social media platforms. While the idea of being informed and connected draws us to these sites, we also need to consider that may be dangerous to your health.  The Homewood Health Article, “The Dangers of Social Media on Your Mental Health”, states that the more time... Read more

A fire engulfing numerous trees.

VIU Student Group Hosts Climate Change Symposium

April 14, 2022

The symposium includes a keynote presentation by Dr. Elizaveta Malinina, a Research Scientist at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling. We must act now to fight climate change. This cry of alarm has been sounded many times, but it hasn’t been answered sufficiently to halt the release of greenhouse gases or the impacts of climate change, including the increased frequency and intensity of... Read more

Long Service

Long Service Awards Matter

April 5, 2022

By Debra Jacklin, Manager, Talent Acquisition, Development and Retention Strategies VIU’s Long Service Award program recognizes that an employees’ investment of their professional time is an honour for VIU, and to have employees who wish to invest 10 years or more of their professional lives here is a gift worth celebrating. Long Service Awards are handed out annually to employees who achieved... Read more


Celebrating Our Strengths and Addressing Our Opportunities

April 2, 2022

By Dan VanderSluis, Associate Vice-President, Human Resources  As part of our commitments made under the VIU People Plan,  in the fall of 2021 employees were asked to participate in an all-employee survey. The results of the survey provide a snapshot of your experience at VIU, which reflects VIU’s strengths as a workplace, as well as where we can grow and improve.  For a quick recap, the survey... Read more


Exterior wayfinding program makes VIU a more welcoming place to everyone

April 2, 2022

Most of us can recall, recently or not so recently, when we were new to VIU – either trying to find the place you were meeting a contact for an interview, or wandering around as a new student hoping to discover what B345 meant. In many cases, the good graces of a stranger saved us from our confusion. The sight of the stairs can be daunting for anyone, let alone if mobility may present an added... Read more

Kendra Stiwich 2021 President’s Award for Service Excellence Award for Early Impact/Emerging Leader recipient

Recognizing our colleagues: It’s nomination season at VIU

April 2, 2022

By Aly Winks At VIU, there are five sets of internal awards presented by the President and Provost on an annual basis. Each set recognizes the exemplary work of our colleagues in an area of importance to the function and reputation of the institution. In each case, an individual or team is nominated by one or more colleagues. The VIU People Plan formalizes our promise of recognition and... Read more

Mandy Hobkirk uses her phone to take photos of pink flowers.

Citizen Scientists Asked to Look for Plants and Animals during Annual MABR BioBlitz

April 1, 2022

Event participants can make observations anywhere within the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region, whether that’s in their backyard or a community park. People can channel their inner scientist by participating in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region’s (MABR’s) annual BioBlitz event. The MABR BioBlitz, which runs from April 8-10, relies on citizen scientists to collect information on flora and... Read more


Trauma-Informed Leadership at VIU

March 31, 2022

“A compassionate and trauma-informed approach to leadership is essential for creating healthy workplace cultures.” Achieve Centre for Leadership VIU acknowledges the prevalence of trauma in our world and the impact on people we interact with, including team members, colleagues, and students. It is our aim to promote workplace environments, across all campuses, that support the well-being of all... Read more

VIU Employee Engagement Survey Results information session recording

February 28, 2022

The recording for the information session on the results of the employee engagement survey is now available to view. Closed captioning is enabled and some words may be inexact.  Read more

Fall 2021: The semester in photos

December 20, 2021

After 20 months away, our students and employees came back to our campuses and locations. They gathered, held events, and marked important occasions together. This photo album provides a look-back at the semester as it was. Most photos were taken by members of the Communications team: Jenn McGarrigle, Rachel Stern, and Eric Zimmer.   Read more