aerial view of Building 200 at VIU's Nanaimo campus

VIU 2021: 'Twas the Week Before Christmas

Each year, Rose von Schilling writes a version of this poem and shares it with our community. Thank you, Rose!

by Rose von Schilling, Program Assistant, Health Care Assistant Program

Adapted extensively from “A Visit From St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore

Public domain, intended for private entertainment only, so not covered by copyright protection (I hope)

 'Twas the week before Christmas

And all through the halls

Not a creature was stirring

Not a sound in these walls


They tear down the drive-thru

On our parking lot

The bunnies all gather

To nibble and plot

The pandemic’s still with us

But we must go on

With new ways to do things

Else the virus has won


Dr Bonnie said vaccines

Would bring a reprieve

And so we stepped forward

To roll up our sleeve


That little blue card

It sure means a lot

Moderna or Pzifer

Which one was this shot?


It’s too hot in the heat dome

How can we stay cool?

Have to type on a laptop

With our feet in a pool


The days blur together

We’re all stressed and all spent

A light in the tunnel

Back to campus we went


The students were happy

To come back to class

But numbers are rising

So we have to wear masks


It’s great to see you

As we pass in the hall

But I can’t help but wonder

Why we now look so tall

This college gypsy

‘Round the West I did roam

Back to working on campus

Whole lot better than home


We’re closer now

But it’s not like before

There’s hope for the time

We’re together once more


Happy Christmas* to all

And to all a good night

To you and your dear ones

In this season of Light


*a traditional seasonal greeting originating in Western Europe; not intended to endorse or promote one faith or culture over another

Merry Christmas

Happy belated Hanukkah

Happy Solstice

Happy Kwanzaa

And of course,

Happy Holidays

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