February 1, 2021 - 5:15pm
A bi-weekly roundup of VIU in the News.
Top Performing article for the last two weeks:
- A VIU News Release: VIU Culinary Arts Student Cooking for Gold (featuring Culinary Arts student Ottis Crabbe) was picked up by CBC All Points West, Nanaimo Magazine, reddit, Ha-Shilth-Sa story reprinted by CTV News, The Vancouver Star, Yahoo News Canada, Canadian Pizza Magazine, Welland Tribune and CFAX 1070.
- Reach: 21 million just on the Ha-Shilth-Sa story.
Other stories:
- BC Government News: Province Funds Community Mental Health Worker Program. Picked up by Black Press sites across BC, the Times Colonist, Kamloops me, CFAX 1070 Radio and Oceanside News, among others.
- BC Government News: Training More Health-care Assistants to Support BC Seniors (VIU’s HCA program funded for 72 seats). Picked up by Prince George Matters, Nation Talk, Nanaimo News Now.
- CBC News: UPEI Writer-in-Residence to Help Students Tell Their Stories from Afar (featuring Creative Writing Professor Jay Ruzesky).
- Chemainus Valley Courier and Nanaimo Bulletin: VIU volleyball athlete doubles fundraising goal for Parkinson’s(featuring student athlete Danielle Groenendijk).
- Nanaimo News Now: VIU Expects Budget Deficit Amid Diminished International Student Revenue (featuring Provost Dr. Carol Stuart).
- Parksville Qualicum Beach News: Acrylic Artists Display Work in Qualicum Beach (featuring VIU alum Nicole Shaw).
- The Terrace Standard: Billie Davis, a VIU Visual Arts student, received an honourable mention for the Nisga’a Museum’s 2020 Aspiring Artist Award.
- Toronto Star: Researchers Study Pandemic Schooling and Children’s Mental Health (featuring Psychology student Tara Cooper and Psychology Professor Dr. Marla Morden).
- VIU Blog: Voices – Reflections on Summer (featuring poems and stories by attendees of They’she’num Tu Smun’eem: Building a Foundation for our Youth summer camp. Picked up by Nation Talk.
- VIU News Release: Grant Funds Prototype of Resilience Education Video Game (featuring HHS Professor Dr. Leigh Blaney). Picked up by Education News Canada, Nanaimo Magazine.
- VIU News Release: VIU Nursing Professor Receives Financial Support to Continue Resilience Research. Picked up by Education News Canada, Targeted News Service, Oceanside News.
- VIU News Release: VIU Professor Assesses Leisure in the Time of a Pandemic. Picked up by Education News Canada.
- VIU News Release: VIU Shines Light on Inequities During Global Citizens Week. Picked up by Education News Canada.
- VIU News Release: VIU Faculty Create Understanding Through Colloquium Lectures. Picked up by Nation Talkand Education News Canada.
- CTV News’s video story of VIU Culinary Arts student Ottis Crabbe (see top print story), who won a spot on Junior Culinary Team Canada, reached 1.51 million people
- Top Tweet: A post about VIU joining the Mastercard Foundation’s Young Africa Works program earned 8,424 impressions.
- Top Facebook post: A shout-out to Kimberly Watson, a Master of Education in Special Education student, who received a BC Graduate Scholarship, was seen by almost 4,000 people.
- Top Instagram post: A post sharing an aerial view of VIU reached 4,645 people.
Tags: Announcements