April 2, 2020 - 10:15am
Vancouver Island University (VIU) is excited to share the news that the provincial government is providing $3.5 million to post-secondary institutions to boost their emergency bursary funds for students in need.
“In these extraordinary times, we are so grateful that the provincial government has stepped up with this additional money,” says Irlanda Gonzalez Price, Associate Vice-President of VIU’s Student Affairs department. “This investment is going to help hundreds of VIU students meet basic needs so they can focus on finishing their semesters without worrying about where their next meal is coming from.”
The province’s commitment is a much-needed addition to VIU’s emergency bursary fund. Over the past week, the University’s Advancement, Student Affairs, Financial Aid and Awards, Finance and IT teams have pulled together to give out more than $150,000 to 600 students who applied for it, and VIU expects more students to come forward.
Last week, the VIU Students’ Union and VIU Foundation partnered to launch a fundraising campaign to boost the amount of money available to students through the emergency fund. The campaign has now raised more than $175,000 of the $250,000 goal. An initial investment of $75,000 by VIUSU was matched by the Foundation, and then VIU President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Deb Saucier stepped in with a leadership gift from her family as well.
“While this is a difficult time for many, unfortunately, it’s more difficult for some," William Litchfield, VIU Foundation Executive Director. "If people feel they are able to donate at this time, please consider a gift to support some of our most vulnerable students to access basic needs.”
Access emergency bursary funds by emailing FinancialAidinfo@viu.ca.
Learn more about the fundraising campaign
Tags: Announcements