October 7, 2021 - 12:00pm
A roundup of VIU students and employees in the news.
Please note that this issue of the media highlights includes links to stories that may be upsetting or triggering to readers. VIU provides counselling supports to students and employees; please reach out if you need to.
News Stories
Top Performing article for the last month
- Our story about the new Literacy Circle program for Indigenous Elders and Residential and Day School survivors, launching this month at VIU, was picked up by CBC’s All Points West, which also did an online story that was picked up by Yahoo News. Total reach of the online story: 5.26 million.
Other stories
- Black Press Media: ‘Toss-up’ in Nanaimo-Ladysmith a product of parties’ national campaigns, says poli-sci prof. Article features an interview with Alex Netherton, a VIU Political Studies professor. This article appeared in 17 different publications.
- Black Press Media: VIU men's soccer team, ranked No. 1 in the nation, wins two more matches.
- Campbell River Mirror: Community input sought to help shape Campbellton. VIU geography students are assisting with this process.
- CHEK News: Too close to call: Result of Nanaimo-Ladysmith riding hinges on mail-in ballots. VIU Political Studies Professor Alex Netherton interviewed.
- Chemainus Valley Courier: Teacher draws on her illustrating and writing talents for children’s book. Features VIU alum Brittany Leonard.
- Cowichan Valley Citizen: March to be held in Duncan in honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day. The parade began at the VIU Cowichan campus.
- Cowichan Valley Citizen: COVID-19 Delta variant claims young Cowichan farmer Josh Mellor. Mellor was a VIU alumnus.
- Cowichan Valley Citizen: Interested in traditional uses for native plants? Book from Cowichan author for you. Co-author Dr. Luschiim Arvid Charlie received an honorary degree from VIU in 2007 for his extensive contributions to the teaching of Coast Salish culture and traditions.
- Education News Canada: Global dialogues and partnerships: understanding and tackling complex issues through diverse thinking. VIU President Dr. Deborah Saucier participated in this panel discussion on leadership throughout the pandemic.
- International Association of Business Communicators: Being a job seeker online: How to show up from more than the waist up. Article written by Debra Jacklin, Manager of Talent Acquisition, Development and Retention.
- Island Farm & Garden: From green thumb to master gardener. Article on Page 18 about VIU’s Master Gardener certificate program.
- Maclean’s: Levelling the post-secondary playing field for former youth in care. Article mentions the supports and services in place for tuition waiver students at VIU.
- Mountain Life Magazine: Protecting Canada’s oldest provincial park. Interview with Algonquin Provincial Park Biologist Jennifer Hoare - a VIU alum.
- MyCoastNow.com: Nanaimo South End Community Association ‘inspired’ by VIU students’ proposals. Master of Community Planning students envisioned improvements to the neighbourhood as part of an exercise.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: VIU begins fall lecture series with talk about representation of women artists.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: VIU Mariners see game action as they prepare for long-awaited soccer season.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: University students, faith community sound climate change alarm at Nanaimo rally. Features an interview with Jocelyn Maguire, a VIU Eco Club member.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: Indigenous artist ponders colonialism and reconciliation in VIU exhibit.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: Nanaimo thrift store’s deals help out Harewood neighbourhood. The owner, Deni Bezeau, helps the VIU Hockey Club amongst many others.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: Safety audits show residents in and around Nanaimo’s downtown feel unsafe. The City partnered with Criminology students to conduct these audits.
- Nanaimo News Now: Business licenses to be required for all Nanaimo short-term rentals, bed & breakfasts. The city met with a variety of interest groups and organizations, including the Nanaimo Hospitality Association, Vancouver Island University and Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.
- Nanaimo News Now: ‘It’s so painful’: Nanaimo’s Truth and Reconciliation Day to share lived experience of residential schools. Features an interview with former VIU Elder-in-Residence Barney Williams.
- NationTalk: Landmark partnership renewed between the BC Assembly of First Nations and the Business Council of British Columbia. This partnership includes the Indigenous Intern Leadership program, which VIU administers.
- The Discourse: ‘Imagine what we’d be able to learn.’ Article features local activist, educator and VIU student Kwinwahtala’Galis (Fred) Speck and his reflections on how universities can play a role in reconciliation by centering Indigenous viewpoints and knowledge.
- University Affairs: Universities mark National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Article mentions some of the activities that happened on different campuses.
- VIU Blog: Expressing emotions through art. Story also picked up by Canada News Media.
- VIU Blog: Making a positive impact on youth: Aaron Moore.
- VIU Blog: 13 unique spots to discover at VIU.
- VIU News: Alum of the Month: Sara Guzman.
- VIU News: Colloquium series shines light on the importance of arts and humanities in today’s world.
- VIU News: New Program for Indigenous Elders and Residential and day school survivors launches at VIU. Story picked up by Academica, CBC News (re-published by Yahoo News), Targeted News Service (behind a paywall), Oceanside News and Education News Canada
- VIU News: VIU’s Malaspina Theatre hosts Winds of Change art exhibit. Story picked up by Times Colonist, First Nations Drum, Education News Canada and NationTalk.
- VIU News: VIU invites people to experience university life during virtual event.
Top-performing Broadcast Story
- A CBC news report detailing how things are turning out in various ridings in BC on September 20. CBC reporter Tanya Fletcher talked with Vancouver Island University students about how they wanted to vote this election and one of the top issues is the climate crisis for the students she spoke with. Reach: 86,000 people + 29,000 people (Tanya Fletcher’s comments aired twice).
- YouTube: Leading the way: Women leaders in post-secondary education. VIU President Dr. Deborah Saucier participated in this international panel discussion.
- YouTube: German exchange student Pauline profiles some of what Nanaimo has to offer in this video.
- YouTube: Installation of new paddle at VIU’s Cowichan campus.
VIU Student Pulse
- September 22 Edition: 70% open rate.
- Most-clicked link: BC Proof of Vaccination System (and how it impacts VIU).
Social Media
- Top Tweet: Our Tweets promoting the on-campus vaccination clinics were the top performers over the past two weeks, with 1,373 impressions on just one post alone.
- Top Facebook post: A post announcing a new literacy program for Indigenous Elders, as well as Residential and Day School survivors, reached 7,000 people.
- Top Instagram post: Our video promoting Experience VIU (happened October 2) was viewed more than 1,450 times.
The VIU community acknowledges and thanks the Snuneymuxw, Quw’utsun and Tla’amin, on whose traditional lands we teach, learn, research, live and share knowledge.
Tags: Announcements