In the Community

VIU President Dr. Ralph Nilson to be inducted into University of Regina Sports Hall of Fame

April 8, 2010

Vancouver Island University President and Vice-chancellor Dr. Ralph Nilson will be inducted into the University of Regina (U of R) Sports Hall of Fame Friday. Nilson, former Dean of Kinesiology and Health Studies at the U of R, will receive hall of fame honours along with former women’s basketball head coach Christine Stapleton during the university’s 35th Annual Athletics Awards Night. Nilson... Read more

RADIO SHOW - Insects and Robots

April 2, 2010

Host: Noam AshGuest: Bob LaneAirs: Monday at 11 pm Insects and Robots is a moody, futuristic collage of music that clicks and beeps layered live on air with audio samples and spoken word; a scuttling, unpredictable soundscape that explores the full range of human emotion and intellect. Jump to the blog at Read more

Iranian professor discusses role of women at Liberal Studies spring conference April 7

March 30, 2010

The role of women in Iran and their struggle for democracy is the topic of the keynote lecture during the annual Liberal Studies spring conference at Vancouver Island University April 7. Dr. Victoria Tahmasebi, Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough, will talk about her experiences while in Iran during the tumultuous summer elections of 2009 when the non-... Read more

Former Irish Rover gives unique history lesson at VIU

March 30, 2010

Will Millar sold millions of records with the Irish Rovers, starred on CBC, produced a documentary film on the violence in Northern Ireland, wrote a best-selling book on boating and now creates evocative paintings in his Cowichan Valley studio. He shared some of his colourful past with history students at Vancouver Island University and offered a little advice to young people setting out in the... Read more

VIU launches Portal literary magazine April 6

March 30, 2010

Publishing students from Vancouver Island University invite everyone to join them and featured guest Kate Braid at the launch celebration of Portal 2010, VIU's literary magazine. The launch celebrates a year of work by students who take the magazine from idea to hard copy, assuming all the jobs of a real publishing house.  Students will read or showcase their works published in the magazine... Read more

Upper Level Theatre Students Group Stages Jane Martin’s “Talking With”

March 30, 2010

Vancouver Island University third and fourth-year Theatre students present Talking With at Malaspina Theatre located on the Nanaimo campus April 1-3. Talking With by Jane Martin is a series of monologues about women in different places in their lives.  The play points out that even though all these women are different—and some of them are really different—they all have basic human needs and in... Read more

Students launch Faces of Addiction website April 1

March 29, 2010

Third and fourth year nursing students at Vancouver Island University hope to raise awareness about substance abuse and increase compassion towards people with addictions. The students, part of a VIU student-led action group called Faces of Addiction, will unveil a new website they’ve created at a student research symposium April 1. “Our website will be a useful community resource for anyone... Read more

Arts and Humanities Colloquium speaker focuses on Irish poet W. B. Yeats

March 29, 2010

Dr. Clay Armstrong of VIU’s English Department unravels the persistently complex work of W. B. Yeats and the tension between politics and poetry Friday, April 9, 10 to 11:30 am in the 5th floor boardroom of the Nanaimo campus Library. W. B. Yeats (1865-1939) is among the most influential poets of the twentieth century. Born in Ireland during a period of cultural, political, and religious... Read more

Music Department presents year-end concerts

March 26, 2010

VIU’s Music Department is presenting three year-end concerts at Malaspina Theatre April 6-8, all starting at 7:30 pm. A Classical Concert Tuesday, April 6 features student solo performances, Cantabile Chamber Choir VIU Wind Ensemble and VIU Trombone Ensemble. Admission is $3 for adults, $2 for students and seniors. The Choir Concert  Wednesday, April 7 features College Singers, VIU Vocal Jazz... Read more

First Nations poet gives reading at Vancouver Island University

March 26, 2010

Philip Kevin Paul, Vancouver Island University’s short-term writer in residence, will be giving a feature reading on the Nanaimo campus 7 pm to 8:30 pm, Tuesday, March 30 in Building 200, Room 203.  Paul is a member of the WSÁ,NEC Nation on Saanich Peninsula. His work has been published in BC Studies, Literary Review of Canada, Breathing Fire: Canada’s New Poets and An Anthology of Canadian... Read more