Gators sighted at VIU—population increase likely

April 20, 2010 - 9:02am

Gator sightings are possible just about anywhere on Vancouver

Island University’s Nanaimo campus—John Deere “Gator” utility vehicles. 

Recently acquired by the Facilities Services and Campus

Development Department, these vehicles are used by the VIU grounds crew and are

contributing toward environmental sustainability.

“As VIU continues to work diligently toward its goal of

carbon neutrality — outlined in the Nanaimo Campus Master Plan and mandated by

the provincial government’s Bill 44 — making sustainable changes to how

day-to-day tasks are accomplished is necessary for everyone at VIU,” said

Michele Patterson, Environment and Sustainability Manager at VIU.

“Facilities crews have willingly stepped up and made changes

to how their work is completed in order to help reach VIU’s goal.”

Putting the Gators into service has allowed FS&CD to

reduce use of two one-ton trucks and a Bobcat which have previously seen heavy

use around campus.  The new low-emission,

26 horsepower Gator and the zero-emission electric unit both combine sustainability,

versatility, and functionality.

It’s estimated that the Gators save more than 10,530 litres

of fuel per year — a substantial savings for VIU that also equates to a

reduction of around 24 tonnes of CO2 from the environment. 

“All that translates into the annual equivalent of about five

cars being taken off the road,” Patterson said.

Despite their smaller size, the Gators are able to carry and

dump impressive loads, spread sand and even plow snow.  Because safety is always first at VIU, Patterson

advises pedestrians, motorists and cyclists to watch for the Gators’ flashing

yellow lights as they cruise around the campus.

“The next time you see a Gator, smile, wave, breathe easier,

and think of how you can contribute to VIU’s energy conservation culture,”

Patterson said.


For more information, contact Michele Patterson, Manager,

Environment & Sustainability

Phone 250-740-6296 or email

Tags: In the Community

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