April 17, 2014 - 2:30am
Graduating students in Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) Visual Art program will present their exhibition, entitled "Explorations”, running April 25 through May 31. The exhibition will be displayed at the Nanaimo Art Gallery on VIU’s campus.
Under the instruction of Jane Cole, eight senior students have diligently worked throughout the spring semester to create original art work specifically for the show. On display will be an eclectic mix of media and style from students Kristie Bush, Sara Grover, Amanda Holley, Angela Marston, Karen McLeod, Kim Nixon, Melissa Partee and Kirstyn Rogers.
"Explorations is a chance for us to display our self-directed work to the general public, which is a first for many of us," says student Kim Nixon.
Along with an opportunity to view the students' work, the public will also have a chance to purchase pieces that are offered for sale.
"This is a great opportunity for the community to come out and support the students,” says instructor Jane Cole. “Who knows, you may purchase a piece by a future famous artist."
Explorations coincides with the annual student art show featuring work from students in first through fourth year. This show, titled "Progressions,” will be held on the upper level of the Nanaimo Art Gallery. An opening event for both shows takes place at the gallery, which is Building 330 on the VIU campus, on Monday, April 28, with doors opening at 6 pm. There will be a cash bar as well as light appetizers.
Media Contact:
Kim Nixon, Visual Arts student, Vancouver Island University Phone: (250)327 -1616 Email: kim.nixon@hotmail.com
Tags: Student Success