October 31, 2022 - 8:15am
Dear VIU community,
I hope you all are keeping well. We are emailing you with an update about RockVIU 2022, facilitated by the Centre for Experiential Learning and Student Engagement on behalf of Student Affairs.
RockVIU continued the momentum from the innovative experiences captured through COVID in engaging students through an inclusive, hybrid orientation experience at all campuses. The week included a mix of fun, engaging, service-oriented and student-focused activities for students that focus on the goal of connectingto campus, engaging with community, and discovering themselves and their academic environment.
This year saw the return of many in-person activities, with some of the largest turnouts and the highest registration for RockVIU events that we have seen, even before the pandemic. Highlights included the Beach Fire Chats with peer mentors, small-group excursions, the Connect Fair Festivals, faculty block party events, co-curricular record talks, drive-in/outdoor movie nights and the night markets. More than 1,000 students participated from all campuses, and we could not have had such a successful orientation without the many students and employees who came together to make this experience memorable. We would like to thank the many campus partners and more than 40 student volunteers who participated.
Special thanks to:
- Office of Co-Curricular Engagement & Learning
- International Education
- Student Affairs
- VIU Student Residence
- Library
- Graduate Programs
- Student Recruitment and Advising
- Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning
- Athletics and Recreation
- Brand and Marketing
- Communications and External Affairs
- Services for Aboriginal Students
- tiwšɛmawtxw campus
- Cowichan campus
- Vancouver Island University Students’ Union
- VIU Food Services
- The VIU Theatre team
- Advancement and Alumni Relations
We would also like to recognize all of our sponsors and partners for this event, including our 2022 presenting partner, Panago Pizza. In addition, we would like to congratulate the following faculties on receiving the following awards:
Best Around the Block Award: Faculty of Education and Academic and Career Prep
Favourite Block Party Award: Faculty of Management
RockVIU 2022 was successful in promoting a sense of belonging, self-efficacy and provided a strong welcoming experience for students at VIU as they transition to campus.
Once again, we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the continued success of VIU’s official new student transition and welcome to campus. RockVIU Spring 2023 will kick off on January 3, 2023. The website will be updated in the weeks to come. Also save the dates for RockVIU Fall 2023: August 28 to September 1.
Many thanks,
The RockVIU Organizing Team
Tags: Student Success