Jenn Houtby-Ferguson, a VIU recreation and tourism instructor, says discussing emergency preparedness is an uncomfortable topic for many people, but having an emergency kit is the best defence if a crisis arises.
October 10, 2017 - 9:30am
Lunch & Learn Series aims to highlight research, scholarly and creative activity at Vancouver Island University
Crises happen, usually when we least expect it.
People don’t want to think about a catastrophic event, however being prepared is the best defence when an emergency arises, says Jenn Houtby-Ferguson, a VIU recreation and tourism instructor.
One of the best ways to arm yourself is having an emergency kit with supplies for a minimum of seven days, she said. What essential items people need for their kits, how to craft a family reunification plan and where people can turn to for help are topics Houtby-Ferguson will discuss during the October 17 presentation Personal Preparedness and Hazards We Can Expect to Face in Nanaimo. The talk is part of VIU’s Bring Your Lunch and Learn fall series, presented by the Scholarship, Research and Creative Activity Office.
Powerful hurricanes in the Atlantic, large earthquakes in Mexico and the worst fire season on record for British Columbia are important reminders for people to be ready in case of a disaster, she said.
“It is an uncomfortable topic for many people. We think disasters will happen to someone else and are complacent about readiness or do not know where to start,” said Houtby-Ferguson. “Recent events should give us all pause. We must talk about it. Each of us have a responsibility to our families, our neighbours and our community to be prepared.”
The Bring Your Lunch and Learn series continues with The Wildwood EcoForest: Seeing the Forest Within the Trees on October 31. Barry Gates, Ecoforest Institute Society (EIS) chair, and Kathleen Code EIS Vice-Chair, will speak about how the EIS became trustees of the ecoforest in December 2016, the new vision and key mandates of ecoforestry.
During the presentation Global Engagement Travel Grant Story Slam on November 7, Darrell Harvey, Coordinator of International Projects and Internationalization, and other VIU faculty and staff members will share tales of their travels engaging in international teaching and learning. The session, part of World VIU Days, is a slam style where presenters will share their stories in three minutes or less.
“It’s easy and bite sized. It gives people a taste. It is a low barrier easy access way to learn more about VIU’s international activities,” said Harvey.
Harvey said it is “more important than ever to engage with other cultures and people from around the world” and it helps build intercultural competence.
Dr. Leigh Blaney, a VIU Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program Professor, will discuss the capacities, strengths and resilience of firefighters during the presentation Working Where the Devil Dances: Resilience in Volunteer Firefighters on November 28.
The Bring Your Lunch and Learn presentations are held on Tuesdays from noon to 1 pm in Building 305, Room 440. Sessions are free to attend.
Rachel Stern, Communications Officer, Vancouver Island University
P: 250.741.2020 | C: 250.618.7296 | E: rachel.stern@viu.ca | T: @VIUNews
Tags: Research