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Using children’s picture books to teach about climate change

A woman reading childrens picture books

Faculty of Education Professor Wendy Simms

Expert commentary: Education Professor Dr. Wendy Simms shares her research 

In 2022, the United Nations said that climate change is the defining crisis of our time. It also stated that if governments, businesses, civil society, youth and academia work together, we can create a more sustainable future. 

Recognizing that education plays a critical role in fostering understanding and inspiring action on climate change, the Association of Canadian Deans of Education created the Accord on Education for a Sustainable Future. It is grounded in six principles: the importance of Indigenous ways of knowing, being and doing, relationality, social justice, well-being, advocacy and hope. 

VIU Education Professor Wendy Simms received a $4,700 Accelerator Grant from Lakehead University to support her initiative to help teachers teach children about climate change. She and a team of researchers are creating a curated list of children’s picture books that can help with challenging conversations related to climate change, climate justice and climate anxiety. 

Why is climate change education important?

Climate change education has the power to create positive change in this world, but it is not happening in most Canadian classrooms. Learning for a Sustainable Future reports that a high percentage of young Canadians want more information about climate change. Most are turning to social media and the news to find it. Learning about climate change without acknowledging the emotions that emerge can lead to denial and apathy. Teacher candidates at VIU are well positioned to counter this by developing practices that foster hope and climate action. 

Part of the reason for doing this research was to expand my own understanding of climate change education and weave it into VIU’s teacher education programs more directly. VIU is doing a lot of things related to sustainability, education and climate change, but we can always do more. If teachers don’t feel confident enough or don’t have the resources to bring climate change education into their practice, then our programs need to respond to ensure our VIU teacher candidates do. They will go into their practicum placements with research-based climate change pedagogies and practices and influence what is happening in the classrooms before they even graduate. 

How can picture books help?

A nationwide survey led by Learning for a Sustainable Future revealed that Canadian teachers are spending limited (if any) class time teaching climate change topics. Only a third of Canadian teachers feel they have enough knowledge and skills needed to teach climate change, noting lack of time and resources as significant barriers. This project responds to the need for teachers to feel confident and equipped to address climate change in their classrooms. 

Research has shown that children’s picture books can help teacher candidates navigate difficult topics related to climate change, but finding appropriate resources takes time. 

I regularly use children's picture books in my courses to provide a different perspective. As a class, we read many Indigenous stories to identify common values and consider other ways of being in relationship with nature and community. As a non-Indigenous instructor, this is not a perspective I can offer, so I look to teachings shared by Indigenous authors and illustrators. Based on the success of this approach, I knew children’s picture books would be a valuable tool for educators teaching about climate change. The climate crisis is impacting everyone differently and we need to create space for different perspectives, value systems and lived experiences. The stories found in picture books allow us to do this. 

How did you determine the criteria for the book selection?

We had seven criteria that a book had to meet to be included in the study, the most important being that the book summary had to show connection to at least one of the six principles of the Accord. Our team of researchers then reviewed the sample of 159 children’s picture books. We scored how visible each of the six principles of the Accord were, identified climate change-related topics, and potential triggers and protective factors for climate anxiety. A curated list of 60 picture books that visibly portray the principles of the Accord is being finalized.

Childrens books about climate change spread out on a table

There is no one perfect teaching resource for climate change and teacher candidates must realize that some can include potential triggers for climate anxiety. Having the large library of picture books is allowing VIU Education students to assess teaching resources. I used to say, “this is a good resource.” Now, I am asking them to tell me which children’s picture books are appropriate for a specific learning context (or not) and explain why.

What will happen with the curated book list?

The research will be presented at the Canadian Association for Teacher Education’s conference in early June and submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication. The list will be shared widely with teacher educators, teachers and librarians. One of our research team members, Marylee Holmes, is collaborating with the BC Climate Action Secretariat on a guide for K-3 teachers. I met with them and suggested they host the list on their website.


Media Contact: 

Annette Lucas, Communications Officer, Vancouver Island University

P: 250.618.7296 | E: | W: 

The VIU community acknowledges and thanks the Snuneymuxw, Quw’utsun, Tla’amin, Snaw-naw-as and Qualicum First Nation on whose traditional lands we teach, learn, research, live and share knowledge

Additional reading:

Climate emotions wheel -

Canadian survey -

Accord -


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