February 22, 2013 - 1:13am
BY BRENDA GOUGH - Parksville-Qualicum News
Published Feb. 19, 2013
DEEP BAY - It's a bit off the beaten path but once you visit the Deep Bay Marine Field Station, an off-campus research facility of Vancouver Island University's Centre for Shellfish Research you'll be pleasantly surprised at what is inside.
Although the primary goal of the station overlooking Baynes Sound is research, the facility serves as an excellent tourist attraction and this year is a venue for some of the activities scheduled for the Brant Wildlife Festival in March.
The purpose of the facility which opened in 2011 is to find sustainable ways to farm shellfish, and to help re-energize B.C.'s coastal aquaculture industry. It also supports First Nations shellfish aquaculture businesses through training and mentoring and is actively promoting local tourism.
[Read more](http://www.pqbnews.com/business/191858591.html)
Tags: In the Community