September 27, 2011 - 6:45am
By Jenn McGarrigle - Nanaimo News Bulletin
The mid-Island community's vision for forest lands and how to improve long-term, sustainable management of these lands is the topic of a public dialogue session at Vancouver Island University Thursday.
Healthy Forests – Healthy Communities: A conversation on B.C. forests, aims to capture the concerns and recommendations of experts and community members on how forest lands are managed.
The non-partisan, volunteer-supported initiative is being led by the Canadian Institute of Forestry, in partnership with nearly a dozen post-secondary institutions and organizations across B.C.
Regional community dialogue sessions are being held in two dozen communities and the first took place in Williams Lake June 20.
Only about five per cent of the provincial land base is privately owned, said Michel Vallee, a Forestry Department professor at VIU, and some feel the public should have a larger say in what happens with Crown lands.
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Tags: In the Community