March 29, 2021 - 7:30pm
A bi-weekly roundup of VIU students and employees in the news.
Top Performing article for the last two weeks:
- Thomasnet.com: VMAC Sponsors Four Scholarships for Vancouver Island University Engineering Students. Reach: 1.34 million people.
Other stories:
- Alberni Valley News: North Island College Digital Summer Courses Lighten Students’ Workloads (VIU mentioned as a transfer institution).
- Allevents.in: Field Stories: Community-engaged Research in Times of Crisis. Event features VIU professors and students presenting about the Land as Life course. Event took place March 26.
- BC Local News: Babe Gunn’s Legacy is Carved in Stone. A moving tribute to a Port Alberni woman who took art classes at Malaspina College.
- Business in Vancouver: BC Women Recount Challenging Paths to Success in Leadership. VIU Chancellor Dr. Judith Sayers was one of the women Business in Vancouver featured for a special podcast series.
- Chemainus Valley Courier: Work of Art a Coup for The Q When He’s in the Zone. Profile of VIU alum Art Aronson, who is The Q’s News Director.
- CountryGuide: Creating a better place to work. Article features interview with VIU’s Dr. Lindsay McCunn.
- Kimberley Bulletin: Kimberley Dynamiter Noah Danforth signs to BCIHL VIU Mariners.
- MSN: Best Cities to Buy Your First Home in Canada in 2021. VIU mentioned as being one of the highlights of buying in Nanaimo.
- Nanaimo News Bulletin: Vancouver Island University art students display latest work in online show.
- Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre: How to make an acid-proof oyster. Article features Dr. Tim Green, VIU’s Canada Research Chair in Shellfish Health and Genomics.
- Parksville Qualicum Beach News: Timely tips from Dorothee Kieser of the Vancouver Island Master Gardeners Association. Kieser is a longtime volunteer at Milner Gardens and Woodland.
- The Northern View: Heart of our City – Kayla Beaudry. Beaudry is a VIU student completing courses online in Studies in Women and Gender and discussed the importance of education to help fight discrimination.
- VIU Media Release: Rick Hansen Foundation Funds Accessibility Projects at VIU. Picked up by the Nanaimo Bulletin and Cowichan Valley Citizen.
- VIU Media Release: VIU Hosting Universities for an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Symposium. Picked up by NationTalk and the Nanaimo News Bulletin.
- VIU Media Release: VIU Program Focuses on the Future of Food Security Through Aquaculture. Story also picked up by Education News Canada and Academica Group.
- VIU Media Release: VIU Students Find Creative Ways to Support Children and Families During COVID. Picked up by Education News Canada, My Coast Now and My Cowichan Valley Now.
- VIU Video: Deep Bay Marine Field Station will Host a Seafood Innovation Hub. Video sent to media and picked up by CHEK news,Seafood News and CHLY (radio interview – no link yet).
- CBC Victoria’s All Points West ran a piece on the “15-minute city” that featured Master of Community Planning Professor Mark Holland as well as City of Nanaimo planners and others. Reach: 86,000 people.
- Wednesday, March 24 Edition: 64% open rate
- Most-clicked link: The View Gallery’s online student exhibitions
- Top Tweet: Our post about funding opportunities for women to enter the Women in Trades Training sampler program earned 2,106 impressions.
- Top Facebook post: A post about VIU Child and Youth Care virtual practicums reached 4,165 people.
- Top Instagram post: A post showcasing spring colours on campus reached 4,299 people.
Tags: Announcements