February 16, 2012 - 7:46am
Vancouver Island University is reaching out to parents of grade 10 and 11 students.
An information session for parents will be held during Spring Discovery Days at the Nanaimo campus on Thursday, Feb. 23 from 6 to 7 pm.
“This event provides an opportunity for parents of grade 10 and 11 students to access up-to-date and accurate information on what their sons or daughters will need to prepare for as they approach graduation,” said Dale Hunt, VIU’s parent night coordinator.
Parents will be introduced to VIU’s intellectual opportunities, campus communities, and student resources. Representatives from the Student Services, Financial Aid and Academic Advising departments will provide information about admissions, deadlines, choosing a field of study and support services for students.
The parent session is part of VIU’s three-day Spring Discovery Days event aimed at students from communities all over Vancouver Island. High schools will bring groups of students to the Nanaimo campus between Feb. 21 and 23 to learn about various programs, meet faculty and get a glimpse at university life.
“This is an important time for grade 10 and 11 students to start thinking about life after high school,” said Hunt. “We have many different sessions planned from every faculty on campus. Our goal is to connect with students so they can start making informed decisions about post-secondary education and learn what VIU has to offer. Parents play a key role in the decision-making process.”
The parent information session takes place on Thursday, Feb. 23 at VIU’s Nanaimo campus, 900 Fifth Street, in the Royal Arbutus Room above the upper cafeteria (Building 300) from 6 to 7 pm.
VIU offers a wide variety of programs from basic literacy to vocational certificate and diploma programs, trades, and undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Applications are now being accepted for enrolment into programs starting September 2012.
For information, visit www.viu.ca or contact Dale.Hunt@viu.ca.
Tags: In the Community