December 19, 2011 - 1:45am
As 2011 United Way campaign comes to an end at Vancouver Island University, Adrienne Wanhill, the VIU Loaned Representative to the United Way, sends out one last email to her co-workers, with the subject: $30,000! Thank You to Everyone!
Thanks to individual donations from 149 employees, monies raised through special events, contributions from VIUFA and CUPE, and the sale of United Way chocolate bars, VIU raised $30,000 for United Way – a 50 per cent leap over 2010’s $20,000 amount.
“Adrienne has done incredible work to increase recognition about the many ways that United Way Central and Northern Vancouver Island makes a difference in people’s lives,” says VIU President Ralph Nilson. “We’re proud of her phenomenal efforts that have led to an impressive increase in donations from the University community.”
The campus campaign ran almost entirely online. Weekly Tuesday Trivia required employees visit the United Way website and educate themselves about funded organizations and programs to find the answer and win a prize. Regular blog posts about Wanhill’s visits with organizations such as Literacy Nanaimo and Haven Society, answered the question “Where does the money go?”
“The most rewarding experience of the campaign was the opportunity to meet with United Way supported organizations,” says Wanhill. “Blogging about these meetings allowed me to capture stories from the front lines of social service, and share clearly, sometimes graphically, how United Way and the dollars raised make such an impact in our community.”
As Loaned Representative, Wanhill’s position with United Way was entirely funded by VIU, while allowing her to take a leave from her regular position at the Campus Career Centre during the campaign. Adding another member to the fundraising team, without having to incur the cost of an additional salary, is invaluable to the United Way.
“Keeping down administrative costs means more of the money raised is invested back into the community,” she says.
Wanhill recommends her colleagues consider supporting the United Way through the six-month Loaned Representative program. She points to benefits from the experience of being more active and engaged in their community and at their workplace. Newly acquired skills and a fresh perspective are brought back to their position when they return to work.
“We’re grateful to those who have contributed to United Way and appreciate the dedication of all our employees who have supported United Way as Loaned Representatives over the past several years,” says Nilson.
For more information, contact Adrienne Wanhill
Phone: 250-729-7400
Email: <adrienne.wanhill@viu.ca>
Tags: In the Community