November 2, 2012 - 8:43am
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, Nov.2, 2012
NANAIMO, BC – Hundreds of international and Canadian students danced, sang and celebrated during Vancouver Island University’s Multicultural Festival Friday.
It was boisterous end to VIU’s International Education Week festivities which included free concerts, a fashion show, talent show, cultural displays, ethnic food and more at VIU’s Nanaimo campus.
“This event acknowledges the significant contributions international students make to campus life and to the community,” said Meg Savory, International Education coordinator.
“The presence of international students helps expand the horizons of every student, faculty and staff member at VIU, and members of the community,” added Graham Pike, Dean of VIU’s Faculty of Education.
VIU enrolls more than 1,600 international students from 85 countries.
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ABOUT VIU: Vancouver Island University is Canada’s west coast university. Known as a centre of excellence for teaching, learning and applied research, VIU offers a diverse range of certificate, diploma, undergraduate and master degree programs to more than 18,000 students on campuses in Nanaimo, Powell-River and Cowichan, and at the Parksville-Qualicum Centre.
Tags: In the Community