May 28, 2012 - 10:35am
BC's Advanced Education Minister Naomi Yamamoto launched the BC government's new International Education Strategy at Vancouver Island University on Monday, May 28.
As part of the strategy, Minister Yamamoto announced $5 million for scholarships and research internships to assist students embarking on an international education experience.
Vancouver Island University President Dr. Ralph Nilson said each year, the City of Nanaimo hosts over 1,000 VIU international education students who live in home-stay accommodation with families across the community.
"In a city like Nanaimo, the value of these cross-cultural relationships is immeasurable. Embedding international students in communities like Nanaimo enhances understanding between nations in profound ways. Discussions across kitchen tables can be life-changing for both hosts and students."
Nilson added that while VIU is proud to welcome students from around the world, the University is equally committed to provide international learning experiences for Canadian students through field schools, research projects, study tours and international exchanges.
[News Release]()
[Photos on Flickr]()
[To read more about the BC government's new International Education Strategy and provide your input]()
[CTV news story]()
[More video about the announcement]()
Tags: In the Community