April 20, 2001 - 5:00pm
On Saturday, April 21, Milner Gardens and Woodland is opening its ten-acre gardens and surrounding 60 acres of forest to the public just in time for the magnificent Rhododendron bloom. The garden will be open Thursday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through October.
Milner Gardens offers visitors a beautiful old growth forest walk, a delightful artist's garden highlighted by more than 500 Rhododendrons, and a magnificent view of the Strait of Georgia from the large garden lawn and home of the late Ray and Veronica Milner.
The opening comes after five years of preparation by a legion of volunteers, community businesses, and Horticulture students of Malaspina University-College. Admission to Milner Gardens is $10 for adults and since there is a daily visitor limit, reservations are recommended. Annual memberships are $25. Tickets are also available for a grand opening garden party May 6 - "An Afternoon in the Garden" and can be purchased by calling (250) 752-6650.
For more information about visiting the Gardens, or becoming a member or volunteer, contact Milner Gardens and Woodland at (250) 752-6153 or visit the web page at: viu.ca/milnergardens
Tags: In the Community