In the Community

VIU's Milner Gardens and Woodland in the news: Gardening as child's play

April 20, 2012

By Steve Whysall Vancouver Sun In the lush coastal woodland at Milner Gardens in Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island, children are being taught how to remember the proper Latin names of plants in a particularly creative and memorable way. First, they make a Harry Potter wand out of fresh cut and peeled alder and then they approach a plant and pronounce its name out loud as if casting a magic... Read more

Fundraising dinner supports Student Refugee Program at VIU

April 17, 2012

The Vancouver Island University WUSC (World University Service of Canada) Local Committee is gearing up to host its largest annual fundraiser, the Harambee Gala Dinner. Proceeds from the event will go towards supporting the Student Refugee Program at VIU. “The Student Refugee Program (SRP) is a truly unique initiative”, says local committee Communications Chair, Gabrielle Bishop. “For over 30... Read more

Love of schooling grew slowly for First Nations graduate

April 16, 2012

Lelaina Jules has always loved learning. It just took a while for her to warm up to education in a classroom setting. “As I was growing up, I didn’t have a good relationship with school. I did it to pass time,” she said recently. It’s obvious that relationship has changed. Jules was describing her educational journey during her valedictory address for the Aboriginal Graduation Recognition... Read more

Warming up for exams

April 13, 2012

First-year Vancouver Island University student Josh Dieleman plays bagpipes to “kill time” before an exam Friday on music history. Dieleman’s usual musical focus on campus is jazz drumming. Final examinations at VIU continue until April 23. Read more

Creative Writing instructor’s novel shortlisted for Leacock medal

April 12, 2012

Creative Writing instructor Susan Juby's novel, The Woefield Poultry Collective, has been shortlisted for the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. The winner of the prize will be announced April 26. “Being nominated for a Leacock is a tremendous honour because so many of my literary heroes have been Leacock winners and I'm proud to be associated with our fine tradition of funny Canadian writers,”... Read more

VIU grad achieves international success studying parasites

April 11, 2012

“Immense pride.” That’s what Vancouver Island University Biology professor Dr. Tim Goater felt when he opened a recent issue of Nature magazine. A research article in the prestigious international science journal was written by one of his former students, Dr. Aaron Jex. Jex grew up in Nanaimo, attended John Barsby Secondary and VIU, and now is an award-winning scientist working at the... Read more

Students showcase mapping skills on Friday the 13th

April 11, 2012

Students in the Advanced Diploma in GIS Applications program deliver a final presentation summarizing their practicum projects to their fellow students, instructors, sponsors and the VIU community at-large Friday, April 13. The Advanced Diploma in GIS Applications program at Vancouver Island University provides skills training in geographic information systems, a mapping system that uses... Read more

Clock turns back at Milner Gardens Camellia Tea Room

April 4, 2012

Dedicated volunteers, staff and consultants at Milner Gardens and Woodland have been busy putting the finishing touches on a mid-winter project to shed the 1960s feel of the popular Camellia Tea Room and restore its original 1930s ambience. The much-used wall-to-wall carpet in the main serving area has been taken out and the original edge-grain Douglas fir flooring has been sanded and refinished... Read more

Award-winning journalist speaks at VIU April 5

April 4, 2012

Curtis Gillespie, novelist, journalist, and three-time National Magazine Award winner, and now co-editor of Canada’s newest cultural magazine, Eighteen Bridges, is the guest speaker at Vancouver Island University Liberal Studies department's year-end spring conference. Gillespie will deliver the keynote address (which is open to the public) on Thursday, April 5 at 10:30 am at the Nanaimo campus... Read more

In the news: VIU prof and students going to Ghana

April 3, 2012

By Jenn McGarrigle Nanaimo News Bulletin A conversation under a large tree in the middle of a town in north western Ghana has led to a long-term partnership between a Vancouver Island University professor and the town. Aggie Weighill, in the recreation and tourism department, is leading a field school in Ghana this year. The long-term objective of the field school is to help the town of... Read more