December 8, 2012 - 8:02pm
NANAIMO – The government of B.C. is investing more than $1.46 million in new skills training equipment at Vancouver Island University.
The funding is part of a $17-million provincewide Skills and Training Plan investment to support public post-secondary institutions to upgrade equipment and put the latest tools in the hands of B.C. students.
Equipment purchases and replacements at each institution are based upon a review and analysis of existing inventory, current and future program and industry requirements, and current government priorities to provide skills training that is aligned to the needs of the economy in each region.
Institutions also will pursue partnerships with local industries and other stakeholders to purchase or donate equipment, ensuring students continue to train on the latest equipment being used in the workplace.
The type of equipment slated for new purchase or replacement at Vancouver Island University – unless otherwise donated from industry partners – includes equipment such as a forklift, mobile crane and vehicle hoist.
**John Yap, Minister of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology –**
“Under the BC Jobs Plan and our Skills and Training Plan, we’re taking action to provide education and training opportunities aligned with the needs of our economy. This provincial investment, coupled with contributions from private industry partners, will ensure students are training on the same calibre of equipment their employers will be asking them to work on after graduation.”
**Ralph Nilson, president and vice-chancellor, Vancouver Island University –**
“Vancouver Island University is proud of its tradition of excellence in trades and vocational training, and the vital role it plays in preparing skilled workers to support the B.C. economy. To do so, we must have the most up-to-date equipment to offer our students and instructors. This funding will go a long way towards achieving that goal, and will help to leverage additional support from our industry partners.”
**Quick Facts:**
Past capital investments at Vancouver Island University include:
• $3.85 million to acquire 40 per cent of the Cowichan Fairgrounds site for the new Cowichan campus.
• $13.5 million to build the new Cowichan Place campus in Duncan.
• $7 million for the expansion of the School of Management.
• $2.1 million to help fund a new shellfish research station at Deep Bay.
• $4.7 million for the Nanaimo Library Renovation and Expansion.
• $2.5 million for the acquisition and renovation of Gordon Park school in Powell River.
• $501,000 to construct a new trades facility in Powell River.
• $1 million for new and replacement equipment for trades programs as part of an $8.75-million, one-time capital allocation provided to institutions for new trades training equipment.
**Learn More:**
• Read more about the B.C. Skills and Training Plan:
• The B.C. government asked for ideas from citizens on the topic of building a skilled workforce. To contribute, visit: [www.bcjobsplan.ca](http://www.bcjobsplan.ca)
**Media Contact:**
Dan Gilmore
Communications Manager
Ministry of Advanced Education, Innovation and Technology
250 952-6400
Connect with the Province of B.C. at: [www.gov.bc.ca/connect](http://www.gov.bc.ca/connect)
Tags: In the Community