World Premiere of CD from VIU’s 2008 Distinguished Poet

October 23, 2008 - 7:32am

Daphne Marlatt, one of Canada's most esteemed poets, is Vancouver Island University’s (VIU) 2008 Gustafson Distinguished Poet. On October 23, VIU will host the Ralph Gustafson Distinguished Poet Lecture: "At the River's Mouth: Writing Migrations" with  music from "Like Light Off Water", a CD of Marlatt’s poetry set to music. The event is one of several public activities featuring Marlatt and will be followed by a wine and catered reception.

"The CD debut was originally scheduled for the Vancouver International Writer and Readers Festival, but Daphne wanted to share it with VIU first," said Craig Tapping, a professor in the department of English. "This is a first for Gustafson, a first for Nanaimo and we’re really excited about it."

Tapping said the CD, which was created by Marlatt and musicians Robert Minden and Carla Hallet, uses unorthodox instruments to convey the musical lyricism of Marlatt’s work. "The instrumentation includes musical saws, various water-based instruments, water-telephones and Daphne Marlatt's voice to reflect her book, "Steveston" which is, among other things, a lyrical portrait of the Fraser River."

Educated as a social historian, Marlatt has collected the history of Steveston and Vancouver’s East Side and her research is included in the BC Archives. According to Tapping, who first heard her read in 1968, Marlatt’s work reflects this history combined with her experience of being a woman, feminist and social activist, living on the west coast over the last 50 years.

"It encompasses lyric, fiction, historical research – it’s really a new genre because we don’t have the words to describe some of the things she does," said Tapping. "Her work engages with the last 50 years of art history and criticism. She’s emerged as one of Canada’s influential avant-garde writers. We’re very proud to be welcoming her to the campus and I think we’re lucky to be getting her."

The Ralph and Betty Gustafson Trust was established at VIU in 1998 from the estate of the late Ralph Gustafson, one of Canada’s pre-eminent poets. The Trust endows an annual Chair of Poetry at VIU, which is devoted to advancing Canadian poetry and supporting deserving poets.

Each year the visiting poet gives a Ralph Gustafson Distinguished Poet Lecture, which is later published as a collectable chapbook as part of a directed studies course. "Daphne loves the idea that VIU embraces a student-centered approach to learning," said Tapping, who adds that the Gustafson Trust events draw an audience from across Vancouver Island and the Mainland. "It’s a big literary event in BC culture."

2008 Gustafson Distinguished Poet Events:

Wednesday, October 22, 2 to 4 pm in Bldg 355, Rm 211:  Student-centered event – including reading and Q & A with Marlatt.  Onsite bake sale to benefit Portal, VIU’s literary magazine.

Wednesday, October 22, 4 pm in Bldg 355, Rm 203:  Robert Minden, Carla Hallet and Daphne Marlatt will launch the world premiere of their recently completely CD project, "Like Light Off Water".  

Thursday, October 23, 7:30 pm in Bldg 355, Rm 203: Marlatt will give the Ralph Gustafson Distinguished Poet Lecture: "At the River's Mouth: Writing Migrations". Marlatt, Minden, and Hallett will play a selection of tracks from the CD. Followed by a wine and catered reception.

All events are free to students, support staff, faculty and members of the community. For more information visit the website at

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