March 11, 2008 - 7:00am
By Brent Dunlop
Women’s Volleyball champs
The Malaspina Mariners Women's Volleyball team have won the 2008 CCAA national championships, the first national gold medal in women’s volleyball for BC in 31 years.
Hosted in Calgary, Alberta at Mount Royal College March 6-8, the Mariners capped 23 consecutive wins to complete a perfect season. The team won provincial and national competitions without a losing a game.
They defeated the hometown Mount Royal Cougars in the finals 3-0
(25-18, 25-9, 30-28). Most valuable player honours went to Mariners Ashley Greig, 1st team Tournament All-Star Kylie Crick and 2nd team Leigh Dreher.
This was the 11th appearance at nationals for the Malaspina Mariner Women's Volleyball team, but the first national title for a Mariner Women’s Volleyball team.
The last national title for the Mariners was in 1998 for the women’s basketball team.
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