VIU's Not Rocket Science radio show wins national honour

June 17, 2010 - 2:50am

Vancouver Island University’s Not Rocket Science radio show has reached new heights with a National Campus Community Radio Association annual award for Outstanding Achievement in Current Affairs.

The bi-weekly radio show produced by members of VIU's faculty of Science and Technology was in competition with 60 radio stations across Canada.

The campus-based radio show — a low-key version of CBC's Quirks and Quarks — has been running for three years. It originated during a brainstorming session among faculty members with the goal of raising awareness about science and VIU's presence in the community.

The half-hour show incorporates topics from a wide range of fields including math puzzles, segments on genetics, teasers for upcoming science and technology lectures and stories from VIU's field schools. Topics range from the chemistry of food and cooking, to horticulture and gardening, to astronomy and wildlife.

The 10-minute compilation recording that won national recognition for the show included clips on the chemistry in a cup of coffee, the science behind virgin births, game theory, and the portrayal of extraterrestrial life forms in science fiction.

Vancouver Island University chemistry professor Todd Barsby, one of the show's producers, said the show has been successful thanks to the ongoing support of creative faculty members who have the skill to address topical issues in entertaining and enlightening ways.

"Shows like the ones we do on the science of climate change, evolution, or how we are living in a plastic age have really gotten our listeners' interests. So the success and the popularity of the show continue to grow, and I think this national award really highlights that."

"We are extremely honoured to have received the recognition. At the end of the day though, we could not be putting this show on week to week if it weren't for the support of CHLY, the Faculty of Science and Technology at VIU, and the numerous VIU faculty members who can communicate science so effectively and passionately."

The show is broadcast Saturdays at 1 pm and is repeated Wednesday 1 pm on Radio Malaspina 101.7 FM in Nanaimo and online at

This week's show features a discussion of the science behind the recent Extreme Science show at VIU while the following week's show is on strawberries and solving brain-bending puzzles.


Tags: In the Community

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