July 10, 2012 - 2:21am
By Rachel Stern
Nanaimo News Bulletin
Scientists aren’t known for their dance skills.
It’s their intellect that gets recognition, not usually their ability to boogie down.
Most scientists don’t don leotards and leap across a stage to convey the inner mysteries of their scientific work.
Yet, that’s exactly what a contest created by Science Magazine has asked them to do with the Dance Your PhD international competition – leotards optional.
The challenge was accepted by David Bigelow, chairman of the mathematics department at Vancouver Island University.
“I was really excited about it,” he said. “I realized it could be quite an interesting project. The project is about answering the question ‘what is your thesis about?’”
His task was taking his mathematical thesis, Latin squares and triple systems, and creating a dance video to explain it.
[Full story in the News Bulletin]()
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