VIU Media Studies offers free tuition

March 10, 2009 - 9:30am

What would you do for $1000 tuition - stand on your head? Make a video? How about just entering a contest?

The Media Studies Department at Vancouver Island University (VIU) is announcing its new Bachelor of Arts Major in Digital Media Studies with a contest to win $1000 in free tuition towards Digital Media or Media Studies classes.

“We want to encourage students to create media of their own,” said Dave Ross, Media Studies student and contest coordinator. “We’re hoping to expand interest in this dynamic program, and help students with the cost of their education.”

Current and future VIU students are invited to create 30 seconds of video, 60 seconds of audio or 500 written words that address the question, “Who/what/where/when/how/why digital media is in my life?”  All submissions will be judged based on uniqueness, style, composition, quality, and merit.

“Digital media surrounds us, and how we participate in and engage with media is a critical skill,” says Marshall Soules, Digital Media Studies instructor. “This contest creates awareness for everyone including those considering joining the Digital Media Studies program.”

The contest closes March 20, 2009, and the winner will be announced at the launch party for the new BA Digital Media Studies Major on March 24, 2009. The best entries will be showcased and the winning entrant profiled.

“This would be an awesome way to help pay my tuition,” says Carrie-Anne Wagner, a Media Studies student. “I will definitely be setting aside some time for this contest.”

Entries can be submitted online to and full contest details can be found at VIU Media Studies

Tags: In the Community

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