June 21, 2021 - 5:15pm
A roundup of VIU students and employees in the news.
News Stories
Top Performing article for the last two weeks:
- CBC.ca: Virtual Ceremony Officially Welcomes Judith Sayers as Vancouver Island University Chancellor. Based on VIU News Release; reach: 7.38 million people.
Other stories
- Campbell River Mirror: Campbell River Baseballer Earns Scholarship. Brayden McClary, who has played with the VIU Mariners for the past two years, has been awarded a scholarship to attend Corban University in Salem, Oregon.
- Cowichan Valley Citizen: CDH Staff Surveyed on Hospital Design Features. Based on a VIU news release.
- Cowichan Valley Citizen: 21-year-old Jazz Artist Talks Favourite Tunes and Joys of Music Theory. Article features Jared Popma, a VIU Jazz Studies student.
- Education News Canada: DC Leads Canadian Consortium in Launching Training Modules as Part of Pacific Alliance Education for Employment Program Technical Assistance. VIU is part of the consortium.
- Future of Marketing: Perspectives Featuring Christine Johnson. Christine is VIU’s Digital Marketing Specialist.
- Goldstream Gazette: Vancouver Island Indigenous Artists Earn YVR Art Foundation Scholarships. Winners include VIU alum Eliot White-Hill (Kwulasultun) and Shaina Richelle Stephens, a current VIU student.
- Infrastructures.com: VMAC Sponsors 4 Scholarships for Vancouver Island University Engineering Students.
- Nanaimo News Now: Leadership, Mentoring On Offer for Island Sport Coaches. Features interview with Kevin Lindo, VIU Mariners coach.
- Nanaimo News Now: New Student Housing Complex Approved as Nanaimo Council Mulls Active Transportation Issues.
- Nation Talk: BCAFN Congratulates New Chancellor Dr. Judith Sayers on Appointment at Vancouver Island University.
- Nation Talk: The BC Oil and Gas Commission has Provided a Combined $140,000 in Funding to Three Post-secondary Institutions to Support Indigenous Education Initiatives and Funds. VIU’s Office of Indigenous Education & Engagement is getting $35,000.
- Study Travel Network: Languages Canada Schools Funded for Digital Marketing Projects. VIU received a grant
- VIU Blog: Need Help Paying for Post-Secondary? Picked up by College Education News llc.
- VIU Blog: Where Should I Live While Studying at VIU?
- VIU News Release: VIU Students Aim to Ignite Change with Leadership Conference. Story picked up by Education News Canada.
- VIU News Release: VIU Symposium Examines Intertwined Histories of Gender, Food and Sovereignty. Article shared by rbfireose.com.
- VIU News Release: Building a University Where All Belong: VIU Chancellor Shares her Vision with Community. Story picked up by CBC Radio online, Yahoo News, Nanaimo News Bulletin, Education News Canada, Jaun News. Promo stories by Times Colonist, Turtle Island News, and Yahoo News. VIU News Release: VIU Awards Honorary Degree to Award-Winning Medical Doctor and Actor. Story picked up by Powell River Peak and Education News Canada.
- VIU News Release: VIU and Island School Districts Partner to Promote Education Savings Grants. Story picked up by Education News Canada, Targeted News Service and Academica.
- VIU News Release: VIU Undergraduate Student Publishes Paper in Peer-Reviewed Journal. Story picked up by Education News Canada, Oceanside News and the Council on Undergraduate Research enewsletter.
- VIU News Release: VIU Grad Discovers Two-Million-Year-Old Skull while Attending Field School in South Africa. Story picked up by Education News Canada.
- VIU News Release: VIU Canada Research Chair Developing Tools to Inform Forest Recovery Initiatives.Story picked up by Education News Canada.
- Westerly News: Ucluelet Secondary School Grads Set to Parade Through Town. Article mentions that Jada Touchie plans to study Biology at VIU.
Top-performing Broadcast Story
- CBC Radio Victoria: Falon Crosby, a recent graduate of VIU’s Post-Baccalaureate Education program, tells her story to CBC as part of a series leading up to Indigenous Peoples Day. Reach: 86,000. Read her story on the VIU Blog.
- Peer Assisted Learning Groups for College Students YouTube: Interview, Shelley-Anne, VIU SI Program Manager
VIU Student Pulse
- VIU Student Pulse: June 16, 2021 Edition: Open rate: 74.3%
- Most-clicked link: VIU Restart Plan graphic.
Social Media
- Top Tweet: A post resharing a Nanaimo News Bulletin story about the Indigenous Internship Program that VIU partners with Mosaic Forest Management on was viewed by more than 33,000.
- Top Facebook post: VIU student Samantha Good is graduating with a unique achievement – discovering a two-million-year-old skull belonging to an early human ancestor. View the post. Reach: 17,541 people.
- Top Instagram post: A post promoting the Virtual Graduation Celebration and asking for selfies was seen by 1,452 people.
Tags: Community Engagement | Announcements