VIU makes connections around the world

October 9, 2008 - 7:50am

"From Dirt to Drink.”

That’s the title of a unique research project underway by Vancouver Island University faculty member Tracy Gillis.

Gillis, who teaches accounting in the Faculty of Management, is currently on assisted leave to conduct professional development research.  She is working with the management of Popova Kula Winery in the Republic of Macedonia.

Popova Kula Winery is considered the most state-of-the-art and progressive winery in the country. The winery was started in 2004 with a small group of shareholders from Macedonia, France and the United States. Along with their own grapes, the winery buys from only those local growers who meet very strict quality guidelines. Besides the standard wines such as Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, this winery is the only one in Macedonia that produces wine from the indigenous Stanushina grape.  

“The project will trace costs from the time of planting the vine, to the corking and labelling of the bottle,” explained Gillis in an interview from Macedonia.

The winery also has a hotel and restaurant under construction. Both ventures may provide further collaborative possibilities for faculty and students of Vancouver Island University.

“Mr. Jordan Trajkov, Chief Executive Officer of the Popova Kula Winery, is very interested in discussing co-op or internship possibilities for our Culinary Arts students and those in the Hospitality and Tourism programs,” said Gillis. 

When asked why she is undertaking this research project, and why in Macedonia,  Gillis replied, “Macedonia has long fascinated me. It is a country coming into its own, especially in terms of being market driven. I have been watching Canada's efforts to have its wines recognized internationally and it seemed to me that Macedonia was moving along a parallel course. Having contacts in Macedonia helped to make the right connections with the best winery and it helped that VIU is known for the strength of its international programs.”

This is not the first visit by members of VIU to Macedonia, she added. "VIU organized a field school  to Macedonia this past summer so this project is just another example of how we make connections around the world.”

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