VIU launches energy reduction campaign

March 18, 2009 - 8:39am

“Every individual has the power to change.”

That’s the tag line of a new energy reduction campaign at Vancouver Island University.

In partnership with BC Hydro, VIU has hired Energy Manager Daryl Amos to lead a comprehensive Energy Management Program at the university.An official kick-off for the new program takes place the week of April 6.

“Energy management is an important component of sustainability,” Amos said. “It’s our responsibility to change the way we use power for the health of our planet. We selected ‘the power to change’ tagline to reflect the ability of individuals to affect significant change through relatively small gestures.”

VIU consumes over 10,000,000 kilowatt hours of electricity each year on the Nanaimo Campus, along with about 38,000 giga joules of natural gas per year. “Our targets for the first year of the Energy Management Program are to save five percent of our electricity consumption and eight percent of our natural gas consumption,” explained Amos. “This will be good for the environment and result in cost savings for VIU.”

Over the next year, specific projects will be implemented to improve existing lighting, heating, electrical and mechanical systems and save energy. For example, energy control devices and lamps will be installed across the Nanaimo campus.

“We have $1.3-million in funding from the Ministry of Advanced Education’s Public Sector Energy Conservation Agreement to help with this purpose,” Amos said.

Faculty, staff and students will be encouraged to conserve energy, make better use of available resources and provide their ideas for energy reduction. “Simple actions will help reduce our carbon footprint, and ultimately achieve our goal of carbon neutral operations by the end of 2010,” Amos added. “For example, turning off light switches and computers at the end of the day can make a big difference.”

The week-long launch of VIU’s Energy Management Program (starting April 6) will include joint VIU-BC Hydro information displays, an on-line survey, and other activities on campus.

“We’re going to offer some fun, interesting and productive competitions for staff, faculty and students to work on as we monitor our success going forward,” Amos said, “including the formation of green teams, and a new website with ideas, tips and news items on energy reduction initiatives at school, work and home. Our long term goal is to develop an energy conservation culture on all VIU campuses.”

Amos said an ongoing monitoring program will provide data to identify energy savings opportunities, and demonstrate the effectiveness of Energy Management initiatives. “We’ll identify activities that consume energy at a rate in excess of benchmarks, set targets for energy reduction efforts, monitor our progress, and plan for future initiatives,” he said.

Amos, who has 27 years experience in facilities management including energy management initiatives in the public sector, is excited to be working with VIU.

“I’m passionate about reducing energy consumption, and operating in a sustainable manner,” he said. “This position allows me to contribute to the university’s efforts to save energy, and take part in the BC Hydro PowerSmart Program for the benefit of VIU. It’s an exciting field because of the urgency of the issue, but also because of the interest shown by all levels of government, particularly the BC government and BC Hydro, to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.”

VIU began implementing sustainability measures several years ago. The university conducted an energy audit that assessed electrical, heating, ventilation and air systems in campus buildings.  In 2006, a new Faculty of Management Building was constructed to Leader in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) standards.

The building features low energy lighting, motion sensor lighting, an energy efficient HVAC system, waterless urinals and high efficiency boilers.

“VIU has made an excellent start,” said Amos. “Through implementation of the new Energy Management Program, VIU will continue to be a leader within the post-secondary education community in reducing consumption, reducing emissions and reducing its carbon footprint.

 “Everyone at VIU has the power to change as we work to reduce our consumption of energy now and into the future.”

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