VIU grad builds carpentry career

March 24, 2010 - 7:30am

As a young boy, Luke Cuthbert enjoyed building things around the house. A life-long passion for carpentry and a lucrative career grew out of his childhood interest.

Cuthbert started his carpentry apprenticeship while attending Cowichan Secondary School (CSS). One week shy of his 20th birthday, he graduated as a journeyman carpenter from Vancouver Island University’s fourth year Carpentry Apprenticeship Training program, and now with Red Seal certification, he can take his credentials around the world.

“My main goal is to build my own house this year,” Cuthbert said.

Cuthbert got a jump on his apprenticeship as a dual-credit student in the ACE-IT program.  The program allowed him to complete high school at CSS and his carpentry apprenticeship requirements at VIU at the same time.

“Luke came into our program from high school very mature, focused and motivated,” said Jim Cooper, who teaches carpentry at VIU’s Cowichan campus in Duncan. “He’s a team player. Luke’s attitude is contagious and brings up the energy and enthusiasm of the other students.

Cuthbert finished his apprenticeship in two and a half years. “Our students want a career and a leg up in the world,” said Cooper. “They get that through VIU’s accelerated carpentry program where we try hard to make the work they do authentic.”

Debbie Brinkman, Career Facilitator at CSS said, “Luke was a very focused student who excelled. The ACE-IT program requires a substantial commitment and high level of maturity; both qualities which Luke has.” 

ACE-IT is a partnership between VIU, Camosun College, and Vancouver Island high schools.  High achieving, focussed high school students get free tuition for their training, and high school graduation credits as well.  The program provides many benefits to students, including the possibility of tuition grants of $1,000 at Level 1.

At higher levels of study, Apprenticeship Incentive Grants from the federal government are available to students. Students pay for their own books, boots, and tools.

There are a wide range of programs available to high school students through ACE-IT covering trades including carpentry, welding, electrical, culinary arts, health care attendant, and more. Once graduating from ACE-IT, many students continue their studies at VIU and other colleges, earning higher certifications.

Cuthbert didn’t miss a beat once his apprenticeship was completed, going to work immediately as a carpenter in Duncan. “I’m very grateful for all the help I received from my employer, Marcel Stemkens of MOST project management,” said Cuthbert. “I really feel that without the support and motivation from such a great guy I wouldn't have been able to complete the program as fast as I could have.

“I plan to work for this company as long as required to give them a good return on their apprenticeship investment,” he said. “They would like me to progress towards becoming a project manager. I’m looking forward to a great future.”

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