VIU focuses on International Development

February 1, 2011 - 7:58am

The public is invited to help celebrate International Development Week (IDW) at Vancouver Island University Feb. 7 to 11.

Highlights include interactive cultural displays, a children’s global art show, a student photo display, information booths, and presentations by VIU students about their exciting international experiences around the world, and more.

“Our theme for the week-long celebration is Millenium Development Goals,” said Meg Savory, International Grants and Projects coordinator. “There are many opportunities for the public to participate.”

Held annually, IDW highlights and illustrates the work of Canada's development community.

IDW provides a great opportunity for Canadians to increase the awareness of the role many Canadians play in international development; and find out how they can become global citizens, actively involved in international development.

Savory said the public is invited to the Nanaimo campus throughout the week to participate in various activities. Every day at noon, guided tours will take visitors through an interactive display in the upper cafeteria where they can learn more about Millenium Development Goals.

Visitors will also enjoy a global art show called “The World We Live In – The World We Want”. Artwork from children from around the world, including war-torn countries, will be displayed in VIU’s lower cafeteria and at the Nanaimo Art Gallery at 150 Commercial Street.

“What Does Diversity Mean to Me?” is the title of a photographic display of students’ entries into the Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society’s photo contest. The display will be set up in the Welcome Centre at the Nanaimo campus.

Also as part of IDW activities, recent VIU student interns who have lived and worked in different parts of the world will share their experiences on Monday, Feb. 7 from 4:45 pm to 7 pm in Building 356, Room 109.

The public is also invited to hear keynote speaker Ian Smillie, an Order of Canada recipient, who will visit the Nanaimo campus Tuesday, Feb. 8 to talk about “Poverty, the Urge to Help and the Meaning of Sustainable Development” from 4 pm to 5:20 pm. Smillie’s second presentation, titled “Blood on the Stone: Greed, Corruption and War in the Global Diamond Trade”, takes place from 5:30 pm to 7 pm the same day. Both presentations in building 355, Room 203 are free and open to the public.

Smillie is the author of several books including “Freedom From Want: The Remarkable Success Story of BRAC”. He has been the Executive Director of CUSO, and has worked extensively with poverty and corruption issues around the world.

The public is also invited to attend a panel discussion on “Working in Development” which will explore careers in international development. The event runs from 11:50 am to 1:15 pm in Building 200, Room 203.

A human rights simulation that organizers say will “rock your world” takes place Wed. Feb. 9 in Building 355, Room 211 from 4 to 7 pm.

Finally, the Faculty of International Education and Global Studies will host a movie night on Thursday, Feb. 10 showing a film called “Taking Root”, an African story about how the simple act of women planting trees changed a nation. The movie runs 7 to 9 pm in Building 356, Room 109, and admission is by donation.

For further information about International Development Week activities at VIU, check out the events section of the VIU website at or call Meg Savory at 250-740-6378.

Tags: In the Community

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