VIU Dean of Education named chair of provincial association

May 18, 2010 - 4:49am

As learning skills evolve for students, deans of the nine

education programs at BC universities are considering how to best prepare

graduating teachers for the new challenges they will face.

“It’s an issue we are talking about—what are the

skills of the 21st century learner?” said Dr. Harry Janzen, Dean of

Education at Vancouver Island University (VIU) and new chair of the Association

of BC Deans of Education.

Deans of Education in BC are asking that question,

Janzen said, to remain responsive to the needs of teachers who are just

entering the field.

“If learners from Kindergarten to Grade 12 have a

different set of skills, what does that say about teacher education programs?

What should we be doing differently?”

Janzen said the deans are also looking at ways to

support graduates who are looking at taking their first teaching job abroad.

“Quite a large number of schools around the world

offer BC curricula and BC certificates. We are looking at how our programs can

prepare teachers for that sort of experience.”

One of the best ways, Janzen said, is to have students

practise their teaching in an international setting. Two VIU students gained

experience with practica in China this semester and 10 taught in Belize.

“We’re hoping to expand that,” Janzen said.

The Association of BC Deans of Education

includes deans from VIU, UBC Okanagan,

Simon Fraser University, Trinity Western University, University of British Columbia, Thompson Rivers University,

University of Northern British

, University of Victoria

and University of the Fraser Valley.

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