VIU and Powell River School District expand partnership

March 27, 2009 - 4:32am

An expanded partnership between Vancouver Island University (VIU) and the Powell River School District #47 (SD47) means greater collaboration between the two organizations and more opportunities for high school students.

VIU and SD47 officials signed a Joint Coordination agreement that builds on the Memorandum of Understanding, also known as the Powell River Learning Strategy, signed two years ago.

“The Powell River Learning Strategy formalized educational collaboration between VIU and SD47, particularly with regard to dual credit programming,” explained Arlette Raaen, principal of VIU’s Powell River Campus. “The new Joint Coordination agreement refines and strengthens our partnership. We’ll be working together more closely to expand learning opportunities for students.”

VIU Board of Governors, School District #47 Board of School Trustees, Sliammon and Powell River community attended a First Nations feast Friday, March 27 to celebrate the signing of the expanded partnership.

Dual credit programming allows grade 12 students to obtain credit for completing certain university courses. It was first offered to students in the Powell River region in 2005 with a pilot project in VIU’s automotive service technician program. A year later, dual credit programming was expanded  to carpentry, culinary arts, and welding.

Course offerings were further expanded two years ago with the signing of the Powell River Learning Strategy, allowing grade 12 students to take university courses in English, Psychology, Spanish, Theatre, as well as courses relevant to VIU’s Early Childhood Education, Community Support Worker and Applied Business Technology certificate programs.

VIU recently added a three credit hospitality course to the Culinary Arts program, and further expansions are planned.

One new initiative will enhance learning opportunities for First Nations students.SD47 and VIU are planning to jointly deliver the new Welding Level C and Carpentry Level 1 streams for First Nations students, offered through the Kiewit/Plutonic Power for the run of river hydro project, in partnership with industry and Van Asep for First Nations funding.

A dual credit first-year Psychology class will be added in fall 2009 and spring 2009, as well as Human Services programs in 2010.

VIU and SD47 are also pursuing joint International Education opportunities in India, and the partners are investigating dual credit programming for the SD47 BOATT program, and dual credit accreditation for VIU’s first year university level Spanish and business courses.

Delivery of trade prep, employability and essential skills courses at Ahms Ta Ow are also under development, along with special needs opportunities for students attending Brooks high school.

“Skill shortages are increasing, and with a high employment rate and aging population, it is essential that we encourage our youth to participate in post-secondary studies,” said Raaen.

 “By starting post- secondary studies while still in Grade 12, students are able to move into the work force with relevant skills.”

VIU President Dr. Ralph Nilson said the Powell River Learning Strategy and the new Joint Coordination Agreement respond to the learning needs of the Powell River area and acknowledges the potential social, cultural and economic benefits for the region.

“We’ve enjoyed a rich history of partnership with the Powell River School District for many years,” said Nilson. “We’re pleased to expand and solidify our collaborative efforts.”

Jay Yule, Superintendent of Schools in Powell River, said the on-going partnership “helps create seamless transitions for high school students to post-secondary education and the work place.

“SD47 is extremely pleased to continue and strengthen our partnership with VIU to create unique opportunities to meet the needs of students, their families and the community,” he added.


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