VIU and community partners boost innovation

August 14, 2009 - 4:38am

Small businesses in science, technology and innovation on Vancouver Island will benefit from a new training project called InnovatES. 

Vancouver Island University, through the Centre for Continuing Studies, is working with its community partners, The Career Centre in Parksville and The Mid Island Science Technology and Innovation Council (MISTIC), to offer free, customized training for employees of businesses using science and technology to create innovative products and services.

“This pilot project offers individual workplace coaching and essential skills training for eligible staff,” said Joy Andrews, project coordinator. “Research shows that employees who lack essential skills have higher accident rates and are often less productive. Through this innovative program, employers can zero in on skill gaps and provide focused training that improves their bottom-line.”

InnovatES is offered free of charge to eligible businesses thanks to the financial support of the BC government through the Ministry of Advance Education and Labour Market Development under the Canada – British Columbia Labour Market Agreement.

Andrews said  The Career Centre brings expertise in workplace coaching for staff and MISTIC brings strong knowledge of science technology and innovation businesses and expertise in business coaching.  “This program will help small businesses develop their teams, whether employees need to upgrade or enhance their skills,” Andrews added. “In addition to individual coaching,  InnovatES includes  an on-line  course, which is available for all staff of qualifying businesses. Once the training is complete, the online webinars will be made available for small businesses throughout BC and across Canada to foster innovation and boost the economy.”

The project is timely for high tech businesses while they are weathering the global economic storm, Andrews added. “Many high tech businesses are struggling to hang on to staff and adapt to the changing markets,” she said. “What better way than to take advantage of free training for staff to help them be more innovative and productive? Most business owners on Vancouver Island know that once the economy rebalances, there will still be a shortage of skilled staff.”

InnovatES is designed to teach essential skills that develop employees’ ability to learn, work together in teams, communicate effectively and deal effectively with the mass of information that crosses their desks.  Participating businesses will develop more productive and flexible teams.”

Carolyn Tatton, Executive Director of MISTIC said, "This exciting program addresses a major concern for MISTIC clients -- having the skilled staff necessary for firms to adapt to, and thrive with, rapid changes in science, technology and innovation. Their business success and growth depends on retaining and promoting employees. And it all starts with assessing employee skills and providing necessary training. InnovatES enhances our free one-on-one Business Coaching services that have helped many entrepreneurs move to the next level."

Cyndy Ireland Bresden,  Executive Director of The Career Centre in Parksville, said her organization is excited about the partnership with Vancouver Island University and MISTIC and delivery of the new program.

“InnovatES provides a unique opportunity for local employers to gain a competitive advantage by providing customized training for employees…all at no cost,” she said. “I encourage innovative Oceanside employers to contact us to determine their eligibility to participate.”

Once an eligible business has been identified, Andrews said a business coach will meet with the employer for an initial consultation and then meet with each qualified employee to explain how the program will meet their training needs. Registered employees will work with the coach and develop a customized training plan to enhance his or her essential skills to contribute to workplace success.

For further information about how your business can get involved, contact Andrews at 250-740-6169 or email

Tags: In the Community

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