Vancouver Island University Board Approves Campus Master Plan

January 29, 2009 - 1:54am

At their January 2009 meeting, the Board of Governors for Vancouver Island University (VIU) approved a bold new vision for the growth of VIU’s Nanaimo Campus.

“The approval of this plan is an exciting step towards our future,” said University Board Chair John Phillips.  “This Master Plan allows VIU to strategically grow our Nanaimo campus using efficient and sustainable approaches to both building and land use.”

As a new university, Phillips says the plan will assist VIU in planning their infrastructure and programming in ways that are relevant and respond to the needs of the local and regional community and economy.

“The plan was developed with considerable community input and consultation over the last year,” said interim Vice-President, Administration and Finance, Ric Kelm.  “This plan supports the VIU community in developing a strategic and organized approach to integrated planning on our Nanaimo campus and is an important requirement when applying for government funding.  We also expect that this plan will save VIU considerable facilities and infrastructure costs well into the future due to the plans focus on green building design.”

According to Kelm, VIU engaged a consulting firm with expertise in the area of campus master planning. “These planning consultants were instrumental in identifying how best to use our mountain-side landscape and were able to bring forward best practices that have been successful at other universities,” he said.

Highlights of the plan include the creation of a new community transit station in partnership with the University, the City and the Regional District of Nanaimo; a university, student and community centre; the replacement of older, less efficient academic buildings in favour of modern, green-built, energy efficient space.  The plan also places a priority on efficient use of exterior green space, creates more walking and bicycle paths and provides for a wildlife corridor through the campus grounds.

“This plan will allow VIU to plan our future in an organized and environmentally sustainable way,” said VIU President Dr. Ralph Nilson.  “The plan is a model for the most efficient and sustainable building schemes ever developed on university grounds in British Columbia.  The administration and Board of Governors at VIU extend our deepest appreciation to the wide range of stakeholder groups who consulted with us during this process.”

According to Nilson, the next step is to submit the plan to government for future funding consideration.  If implemented today, the plan would be valued at approximately $100 – $155 million of infrastructure improvements to the campus and the community, which will stimulate and revitalize the regional economy. 

Details and images of the plan can be found on the universities web site at:

Tags: In the Community

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