Union Withdraws Allegations Against Vancouver Island University

July 26, 2011 - 5:16am

Nanaimo, July 22 – The Vancouver Island University Faculty Association (VIUFA) has withdrawn allegations they made against Vancouver Island University (VIU), the Board of Governors and specific senior staff.

The VIUFA served the Notice of Civil Claim against VIU during a public meeting on March 24, 2011, at the outset of the eight-week VIUFA strike, alleging that University staff and the Board of Governors published defamatory information and acted in bad faith.

In a letter dated July 5, 2011 to VIU Board of Governors Chair Mike Brown, VIU Faculty Association President Dan McDonald wrote, “We withdraw the allegations made in the Notice of Claim that the University and its employees acted in bad faith. We also wish to acknowledge that there were no grounds to bring proceedings against members of the Board of Governors who were named as Defendants in this action.”

VIU Board Chair Mike Brown welcomed the statement from the union, stating “At all times during the strike, the University and its employees acted professionally and appropriately and we are pleased that the Faculty Association has fully withdrawn the Claim.

"Differences of opinion and position are a normal part of collective bargaining; however, inappropriate behaviour by either or any party is unacceptable. We look forward to putting this incident behind us.”

“Rebuilding relationships between the Faculty Association and the University is a key priority for us,” stated University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ralph Nilson. “We all have important work to do, together, to ensure our students and our communities are well served and that we focus on the future.”

Tags: In the Community

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