Top awards for Malaspina Mariners

April 21, 2008 - 2:44am

The cameras were rolling as Mira Laurence of A-Channel dazzled the crowd emceeing the 28th Annual Mariner Awards Banquet at the Coast Bastion Inn on Monday, April 14th.

The Mariners had much to celebrate, including being the #1 athletic program in the province.

Malaspina athletes also nabbed a national title for women's volleyball and 16 Mariners were recognized by the BCCAA league as top performers or all-stars in their sport.

Two Mariner players, Lindsayn McLoughlin and Maverick Hatch, were recognized on the national level. This is quite a coup as only two players in each sport in the entire province are named ‘All-Canadian’ all-stars.

Two other Mariners, Patrick McCarthy and Laura Littlejohn, earned the Academic All-Canadian designation, handed out to student athletes who achieve academic excellence along with all-star status. These awards are the most prestigious awards a student athlete can win.

The major Mariner award winners included Maverick Hatch, Leigh Dreher and Lindsay McLoughlin as Athletes of the Year, and Patrick McCarthy and Katie Pearson as Freshmen of the Year.

A major national award winner was Shane Hyde, being named by the CCAA as Coach of the Year Across All Sports.

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