T-shirts on sale for breast cancer research

October 9, 2008 - 8:59am

Vancouver Island University (VIU)  is joining a Canada-wide campaign to raise funds for breast cancer research.

The university is among 22 universities across Canada that have partnered with the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds by selling a ‘breast aware’ t-shirt.

Each of the 22 university bookstores is committed to selling one thousand t-shirts during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October.

“Our collective goal is to raise approximately $150,000 for breast cancer research,” said Carol Tyre, Retail Operations Manager for the VIU bookstore. 

“T-Shirts can be purchased for $10 and all proceeds go to support the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.  We have a lofty goal and a huge challenge of selling 1,000 T-shirts on all four VIU campuses.”

 “Everyone is affected by breast cancer,” added Tyre. “We all know someone   - a mother, daughter, sister, aunt or friend who has been diagnosed with this disease. We’ve had VIU students and employees diagnosed as well. Participating in this campaign gives us the chance to show our support for all those affected. Any small part we can do will make a difference.”

Tyre has organized a special event at the VIU bookstore on October 15 from 12 noon to 1 pm to promote the sales of the t-shirt. Carol Matthews will read from her book “Reflections on the C-Word” and representatives from VIU’s Health and Wellness Committee will hand out information.

The 22 university bookstores participating in this awareness program include VIU, Brock University, Concordia University, University of Toronto, Queen’s University, University of Calgary, Ryerson University, University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Grant MacEwan University, McMaster University, University of Manitoba, McGill University, Mount Royal College, University of Western Ontario, Guelph University, University of Saskatchewan, Wilfred Laurier University, University of Alberta, University of Waterloo, Thompson Rivers University and York University.

The month-long fundraiser is organized by the Canadian Campus Retail Associates (CCRA).

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Canadian women, with about 431 women diagnosed every week. In 2008, an estimated 22,400 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer, with about 5,300 dying. In young adults, breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cancer cause of death. 

Any member of the public who wants to help support this worthwhile cause can purchase a t-shirt at the VIU bookstore located at the Nanaimo campus, 900 Fifth Street. 

Tags: In the Community

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