Student receives scholarship and summer job at Canadian Western Bank

June 18, 2008 - 7:49am

Bertrand Seatter is $2,500 richer thanks to a scholarship from Canadian Western Bank. Better yet, he's guaranteed a summer job at the bank for the next two years, which could lead into an ongoing career.

"I was really excited, and kind of speechless when I got the call from Canadian Western Bank saying I'd been chosen," said Seatter. "It's a great opportunity."

Seatter recently completed his second year of the Bachelor of Business Administration program at Vancouver Island University. He first heard about the CWB scholarship and summer job opportunity in class, and promptly submitted an application.

Russ Burke, Assistant Vice-President and Manager of CWB, said the bank has always been a strong supporter of Vancouver Island University (formerly Malaspina University-College).

"We recognize the high cost of post-secondary education and have supported Malaspina strongly in the past," said Burke. "This year, we wanted to take it a step further and not offer only financial assistance, but the chance for a student to get hands-on work experience in a relevant field."

The new initiative benefits the bank as well. "We get to train a prospective long-term employee," Burke explained. "The banking world is facing the same problem commercial businesses are facing - a retiring and aging workforce. We've got to find innovative ways to develop and train younger recruits."

CWB has a 'management associate' program where new degree holding individuals are hired right out of school. "Typically we run them through the whole banking operation over a year's period," said Burke. "They get first-hand experience on the front line, in loan support, personal lending and commercial lending. The goal is that they eventually end up as a full-time employee as a commercial or retail account manager. By hiring Bertrand, whose degree is still in progress, we're getting a head start on training."

Seatter will work on the front line, get to know the industry and learn the culture of CWB, and be groomed for full-time employment.

Now into his fourth week on the job, Seatter says there's a lot to learn. "I'm catching on pretty quickly," he added. "At the moment, I'm Sales and Service Representative on the front line. Later on, I'll be moved around to different areas of the bank. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can."

CWB has already spoken to Seatter about working part-time next fall while he continues his studies. "Knowing I have a summer job for the next two years, plus possibly a part-time job during school takes away a lot of stress," he said. "What's more, I'm getting excellent experience directly related to my field. You can't ask for anything better."

Burke's support of VIU extends beyond business. One of his son's graduated from VIU last year with Bachelor of Arts degree (major in English). A younger son is half-way through the Media Studies program.

"I understand the value of students being able to study locally, close to home," Burke said. "VIU makes that happen."

Tags: In the Community

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