Student faces few financial worries thanks to scholarship

July 16, 2010 - 4:25am

Clayton Cameron will start the academic year at Vancouver Island University with few financial worries.

That’s because the 18-year-old Grade 12 graduate won a full tuition entrance scholarship.

Cameron is one of four students to receive a Chancellor’s Entrance Scholarship for Aboriginal Students. A Metis First Nations student from Nanaimo, Cameron will receive approximately $3,500 per year for a maximum of five years. The scholarship will be renewed annually providing he maintains an A average.

Cameron will begin VIU’s Bachelor of Business Administration program in September at the Nanaimo campus. “I took an accounting class in high school and discovered that I love working with numbers,” he said. “Accounting is a good career choice for me.”

“I felt instant relief when I found out that I’ve been awarded the scholarship,” he said. “I can focus my time on my schooling and not worry about having to work part-time to make ends meet. It’s exciting to win that much money. My parents were happier than I was!”

Cameron earned straight As in high school at Nanaimo District Secondary almost every semester since Grade 8. “Working hard definitely paid off,” he said. “There were times I would have rather hung out with friends, but I focused on school. It was definitely worth it.”

The Chancellor’s Entrance Scholarships for Aboriginal students are part of a suite of awards offered by VIU.

“Eligible recipients for the Chancellor’s Scholarships come from First Nations communities, Friendship Centres and Metis organizations on Vancouver Island (including Powell River),” said Karen Stant of VIU’s Financial Aid and Awards office. “The students can be recent graduates or mature students who are coming back to school. The awards are also renewable for up to five years providing recipients maintain a full course load and top marks.”

The Chancellor’s Scholarships acknowledge VIU Chancellor Shawn Atleo, BC’s first Aboriginal University Chancellor and national chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

President’s Entrance Scholarships are also offered to the top students at each Vancouver Island high school, including Powell River. Twelve students are receiving awards for the September school year. Recipients must have achieved an A average and enroll in a full course load in any degree program at VIU.

Seven awards are also going to top scholar athletes. Eligible students must be top academic varsity athletes as selected and recruited by the coaching staff in the men’s and women’s volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton and golf programs.

Another six scholarships are being awarded to the top academic student in each VIU academic faculty who are continuing their studies in the fall.

“As VIU continues to grow and evolve, our priority remains directed toward the needs of our students,” said President Ralph Nilson. “We’re very proud of our award winners and anticipate many more ‘Presidential Scholars’ in years to come.”

The President’s Entrance Scholarships cover tuition only. Additional fees, including student union fees, student activity fees and medical/dental plans must be covered by the student.

For more information, please contact VIU’s Financial Aid and Awards office at (250) 740-6423 or

Tags: In the Community

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