Snuneymuxw totem unveiled at VIU library

November 27, 2009 - 3:43am

Master carver James Johnny and his son James Johnny Jr. unveiled a 10-metre tall totem at Vancouver Island University’s library on Thursday, Nov. 26.

The cedar carving had been kept under wraps and attracted a great deal of interest since early November when it was installed in the lobby.

The blessing ceremony included drummers, elders and the artists, as well as VIU students, staff, faculty and members of the Board of Governors.

“This is VIU’s long overdue opportunity to recognize in a highly visible way that we are on traditional Snuneymuxw territory,” said Sharon Hobenshield, Director of Aboriginal Education at VIU. “It’s a symbol of the Snuneymuxw First Nation welcoming all students of all nations.”

Johnny and his son worked through the summer on the project after he came up with the concept for the totem. The carvers crafted another high-visibility totem in 2008 with the portal erected in Nanaimo’s Kin Park overlooking Departure Bay.

Tags: In the Community

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