Scholarship support motivates student to aim high

May 2, 2008 - 7:03am

Watch out Donald Trump.

Lisa Radetic has big plans for the future - plans that include becoming one of the world's most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Radetic, 21, is one of the rising stars in the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program (BBA) at Malaspina University-College - now Vancouver Island University - and she expects to accomplish all this and more before she's 40.

“My passion is to own several businesses,” said Radetic, now in her fourth year at Malaspina and second year of the business program. “I've already had many amazing opportunities through the BBA program to run events and projects, create business plans, and network with other enthusiastic business students from across Canada. These experiences have confirmed I'm on the right path to a future career in business."

Radetic recently shared her story with more than 300 community leaders to reinforce the message that scholarships, awards and bursaries can significantly alter the course of a student's life.

In the past two years, Radetic has received a prestigious Millennium Scholarship Award, the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board Business Scholarship and the A. Rod Glen Business Management award – all administered through the Malaspina Foundation.

“Obviously these awards helped with financial costs, but the impact is much greater,” said Radetic. The recognition boosted her self-esteem and confidence, and encouraged her to work harder at her studies, take more risks and give back to the campus community.

While juggling a full course load,  Radetic is an active participant in numerous student-related activities and events around the province. She's president of the Malaspina Business Students’ Association, one of the most active club on campus. The club’s mandate is to supplement students’ education with networking events, professional workshops and scholarship opportunities.

Last November, Radetic and fellow students organized the first annual Malaspina University Leadership Conference, which played host to 75 students from Malaspina, University of BC, Simon Fraser University and Kwantlen University-College.

“The event was meant to inspire young leaders in the creativity, innovation, and imagination needed in today`s fast-paced, constantly changing world,” she explained. 

One of the keynote speakers at the conference motivated Radetic to aim high in all her endeavours. “There have been many people in my life that have inspired me,”  said Radetic, “but with respect to my education and career in particular Andrew Hewitt has been a huge influence.”

Hewitt is 25-year-old best-selling author of the book “The Power of Focus for College Students”, and works with Donald Trump for Trump University.  “He inspired me to remember there are so many learning opportunities at university,” said Radetic.  “He taught me to take advantage of as many opportunities and experiences as I can, and stressed the importance of finding a job I'm passionate about.”   Radetic is one of the key organizers of the second annual Malaspina Student Leadership Conference next fall. This spring, she'll take part in a four-week field school journey to Shanghai and Guangzhou, China, with 26 business students for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about the culture, and experience first-hand a global marketplace and economy.  

 “Thanks to all of these experiences at Malaspina, when I graduate and begin operating my own businesses, I will understand what it means to manage people with differing values and personalities, undertake contingency planning to effectively deal with anything that comes my way,” she said.

 “This is the beauty of the untraditional learning experience at Malaspina. It’s a school that truly fosters strong connections both inside and outside of the classroom.”

Tags: In the Community

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