March 10, 2014 - 9:07am

NANAIMO, BC: Water, energy and community engagement – these are the themes of a day-long student-led conference at Vancouver Island University (VIU) on Saturday, March 15.

Open to students, staff, faculty and community members, Avenues for Action 2014 is being organized by VIU’s Environment & Sustainability department (part of Infrastructure and Ancillary Services), the VIU Campus Food Movement, and the student club Solutions: a Network for Sustainability.

Michael M’Gonigle, lead author of Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University is keynote speaker. His book focuses on the role universities can play in spearheading the theory and practice of sustainability. M’Gonigle is a professor in environmental law and policy in the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law and School of Environmental Studies.

The conference, which takes place from 9:15 am to 4 pm, is free and lunch will be provided. A series of workshops on topics including Marine Renewable Energy, Energy and Sustainability and Nanaimo’s Master Plan, will be held between 11:15 am and 12:15 pm.

Afternoon workshops (1:45 to 2:45 pm) will include presentations by the Vancouver Island Coast and Conservation Society, and by the Climate Change Advisory Committee of North Cowichan, as well a native tree and plant tour by two forestry students and a workshop on rain barrels and garden irrigation.

All events will be held in Building 355 at VIU’s Nanaimo campus, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, with the exception of an afternoon native tree and plant tour and garden workshops.

For a full agenda or more details email Sacia Burton at or phone 250-739-3363.

To register, go to



Janina Stajic, Manager, Vancouver Island University P: 250.740.6288

E: Twitter: @VIUNews

Tags: In the Community

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