President’s scholarships give VIU students head start

July 7, 2010 - 6:34am

Some of the brightest minds among high school graduates from Port Hardy to Duncan will be attending Vancouver Island University this fall.

Twelve top students from Vancouver Island high schools have accepted President’s Entrance Scholarships to VIU in Nanaimo, along with four Aboriginal top scholars and seven scholar athletes.

The suite of entrance awards are offered to top scholars from each Vancouver Island high school (including Powell River). Recipients must have achieved an “A” average and be enrolling in a full course load in any degree program at VIU.

The scholarships are renewable for up to five years as long as the recipient maintains a first-class grade point average and takes a full course load. Awards are valued at approximately $3,500 per year.

This year’s recipients of the President’s Entrance Awards are: Alexandra Fatur, Alberni District Secondary; Alexandria Wilschut, Ballenas Secondary, Jennifer Logan, Cedar Community Secondary; Lochlin Duperron, Chemainus Secondary; Arseniy Ardashirov, Dover Bay Secondary; Cordell Ware, Duncan Christian Secondary; Stephen Kinsey, John Barsby Secondary; Haydn Doucet, Lake Cowichan; Thomas Collette, Nanaimo Christian Secondary; Timothy Greive Price, Nanaimo District Secondary, Emma Mork, Port Hardy Secondary; and Kevin Ackeral, Wellington Secondary.

Four first-time Chancellor’s Entrance Scholarships for top Aboriginal students are going to: Darcy Good, Aspengrove School; Jonathan Chow, Cowichan Secondary; Cheryl Wieler, John Barsby Secondary; and Clayton Cameron, Nanaimo District Secondary.

“Eligible recipients for the Chancellor’s Scholarships come from First Nations communities, Friendship Centres and Metis organizations on Vancouver Island (including Powell River),” said Karen Stant of VIU’s Financial Aid and Awards office. “The students can be recent graduates or mature students who are coming back to school. The awards are also renewable for up to five years providing recipients maintain a full course load and top marks.”

The Chancellor’s Scholarships acknowledge VIU Chancellor Shawn Atleo, BC’s first Aboriginal University Chancellor and national chief of the Assembly of First Nations.

“VIU is an institution of choice for many Aboriginal learners,” said Stant. “One of our goals is to enhance Aboriginal learner success. Offering financial support to deserving students is one way of achieving that.”

Seven President’s Entrance Scholarships have also been awarded to scholar athletes who will be playing on VIU Mariner teams. Recipients are Jordan Bartulabac, Nanaimo District Secondary School, badminton; Harrison Stupich, Cedar Secondary, basketball; Jenna Carver, Wellington Secondary, basketball; Ryan Tysowski, Barbsy Secondary, golf; Stephen Templeman, Woodlands Secondary, soccer; Carley Lawless, Cowichan Secondary, soccer; Mark Lemercier, Alberta, volleyball.

Eligible students must be top academic varsity athletes as selected and recruited by the coaching staff in the men’s and women’s volleyball, basketball, soccer, badminton and golf programs.

Meanwhile, several students who will continue their studies at VIU – and achieved top marks in their academic faculties – will also receive scholarships. This year’s recipients of the President’s Scholarships for Continuing Studies are: Jeffrey Westnedge (Arts and Humanties), Kelly Pearce (Education), Alex Lumley (Health and Human Services), Celia White (Social Sciences) Trevor Riddell (Management) and Angeline De Bruyns (Science and Technology).

“I believe these scholarships will benefit students and the institution,” said VIU President Ralph Nilson. “As VIU continues to grow and evolve, our priority will continue to focus on the needs of our students.”

The President’s Scholarships cover tuition only. Additional fees, including student union fees, student activity fees and medical/dental plans must be covered by the students.

For more information, contact VIU’s Financial Aid and Awards office at 250-740-6423 or

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