February 12, 2013 - 7:51am

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Thursday, February 14, 2013

NANAIMO, BC - Any Vancouver Island University student who is struggling to get the grades they need (or want) now has a place to go for help.

A new program called Grade First Aid is in operation to give students the tools they need to help themselves improve.

“Grade First Aid is a great way for students to kickstart their academic success,” says Tina McComb, Interim Director of Enrolment Management at VIU.

“The program was designed to provide support for students as they engage in university level learning. Many students come to university without a clear understanding of how to be successful.

"The one-on-one coaching and access to a wide range of excellent learning tools empowers students to develop a plan for learning that leads to enhanced success.”

There are three aspects to Grade First Aid. When students join up, they gain access to a range of useful on-line materials through a Desire to Learn (D2L) course; they can be paired with a learning coach, who is another student who knows the ropes and will help their partner keep on track; and they can attend a series of workshops on a range of key topics in the learning process.

The program came about as a result of an initiative by VIU's Advising department, who saw the need and Sharon Kelly, Academic Advisor, brought together a group of people from across the campus to help meet it.

This involved a range of student service providers at VIU, including international student services, services for Aboriginal students, the library, the writing centre, counseling, the campus career centre, the office of enrollment management, and advising.

Grade First Aid offers a one-stop shop to access all this help.

The program is in its fourth week of delivery. It is not too late to join.

Students can still register and log into the D2L, on-line program material by going to

Once registered, students will have the option of being contacted by a learning coach.

Students are encouraged to log onto the program’s blog at and choose the level of participation they are most comfortable with.

Tags: In the Community

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