National accreditation granted to Bachelor of Science in Nursing program

September 26, 2008 - 12:58am

It’s official – Vancouver Island University’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program has passed a rigorous national accreditation process.

“We’re very proud and excited about receiving five year accreditation approval from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN),” said BSN program chair, Madelene Heffel Ponting.

“Accreditation with CASN is recognized worldwide by students, parents, consumers, governments and educational institutions as a standard of educational excellence."

CASN is the official national accrediting agency for university registered nursing programs in Canada.  Member organizations represent all universities and colleges which offer part or all of an undergraduate or graduate degree in nursing.

During the past decade, accreditation has increased in importance and visibility for many reasons, said Heffel Ponting. The globalization of education – distance delivery, satellite and offshore programs, and mobility of students and professionals – has increased the importance of accountability for determining the quality of education programs.

“Accreditation helps ensure quality education to students, reassures schools about their curricula, and assures employers of competent graduates,” she said. “Accreditation is recognized as an important, objective method of reviewing professional education programs in order to identify strengths, vulnerabilities, and opportunities for improvement."

CASN accreditation was granted to North Island College as well, where VIU also confers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree for students living in the Comox Valley area and other northern Vancouver Island communities.


"It's nice to study at a school that's been widely recognized," said second year nursing student Farace Wood. "I'm sure the national recognition will be helpful for Nursing graduates who apply for positions in BC, nationally or abroad."

 VIU’s long history of providing nurse training programs in the Central Vancouver Island region extends back to 1986  with the launch of the two-year nursing  diploma program. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program began in 1992 in collaboration with the University of Victoria, while VIU’s first independent BSN graduates were conferred in 1998.

Many VIU Nursing graduates benefit from the Vancouver Island Health Authority's New Grad Transition program. The $1.5-million program offers newly graduated nurses full time jobs and benefits for up to one year in a wide range of geographic locations and practice settings, as well as a six week mentorship with experienced nurses.

The innovative program was offered to 200 nurses graduating in 2007. The program is a key component of VIHA’s long-term health strategy for Vancouver Island and helps new nurse graduates to increase their confidence, consolidate their skills and integrate into the culture of their unit or department. It also benefits nursing staff as the new nurses help to improve working conditions on the wards by assisting with work loads, reducing overtime, and making it easier for established nurses to take vacation or leaves.

To date, VIHA has been able to retain 98 percent of the nurses hired through the program last year, and 96 percent of those hired the year before.

This year, VIHA is offering positions to nursing grads from the University of Victoria, Vancouver Island University, North Island College, and the Douglas College Registered Psychiatric Nursing Program, and most of the nurses who have graduated from Island nursing programs have already accepted positions with VIHA. Any remaining vacant positions will be offered to off-Island and international graduates.

“For several years now – all of the VIU BSN graduates who want work with VIHA are able to do so,” said Heffel Ponting. “As well, our grads are actively recruited by agencies across Canada and the US.”

“Many of our students get jobs after completion of year two – as Employed Student Nurses with Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). This is often the beginning of a successful relationship – helping students with work experience and finances – the employer with work at a reasonable price.”

For further information on VIU’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, contact Erika Blakeman at (250) 740-6246 or visit the website at

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