Malaspina and Chamber team up to help job seekers

April 4, 2008 - 2:34am

Malaspina University-College and the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce are launching an Essential Skills project to help individuals find jobs and become successful and productive employees.

The target group includes immigrants, women, youthand Aboriginal people. 

“This group represents a significant percentage of those individuals unemployed or under employed in the Greater Nanaimo area,” said Tony Bellavia, Director of Career and Academic Preparation. “Many of them face significant barriers to employment.Our goal is to develop a tool kit of resource materials for small businesses and other agencies who support and assist these individuals in finding meaningful jobs.”

The resources will focus on helping individuals enhance skills in four key areas: spoken communication, thinking skills, teamwork and computer skills.

“Helping people improve skills will increase their employability and ensure a successful transition into the work force,” said Bellavia. “We're focusing primarily on jobs in the retail, tourism, hospitality and construction sectors because these are the sectors of our economy that face the greatest challenges in hiring and retaining entry level workers.”

The13-month Essential Skills project is funded by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges. Bellavia will travel to Saskatoon later this month to meet with representatives from post-secondary institutions across Canada participating in a similar project.

During the first phase of the project, a principal researcher will be hired to survey small business owners about their views on the key essential skills among employees.

“We’ll identify where gaps exist, and then develop resource materials,” Bellavia said. “There is a lack of resources available to small business owners in training new employees and assisting them in a successful transition into the work force. The materials we produce must be relevant and address the needs of small business owners and individuals they are trying to support.”

Bellavia said Malaspina is excited to partner with the local Chamber on the project. “It supports one of Malaspina’s most fundamental mandates – to grow community partnerships,” he said. “This project will build on our existing partnership with the Chamber, and provide an important contribution for supporting essential skill training within our local work force and right across the country.”

Malaspina has enjoyed a long and productive partnership with the Chamber through joint marketing of Malaspina and Chamber courses, shared financial support for a program promoting entrepreneurship among youth, and the Institute for Community Leadership and Innovation. Lee Mason, Executive Director, said the Chamber is looking forward to working with Malaspina on this latest initiative.

“Our Chamber has recognized that the shortage of skilled workers and entry level labour is a reality for our business community – particularly for small business,” she said.  “Developing effective tools to assist businesses recruiting staff and individuals seeking employment is timely – and exciting.”


Tags: In the Community

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