Lawyer John Horn receives Honorary Doctorate of Laws from VIU

June 5, 2008 - 5:56am

Esteemed lawyer John Horn received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from Vancouver Island University (formerly Malaspina University-College) at the spring graduation ceremony held recently in Nanaimo.

“The awarding of an honorary doctorate is intended to encourage a standard of excellence and innovation that is exemplary to students, faculty and staff, and to society generally,” said VIU President Ralph Nilson.

“Through his work, John Horn has exhibited a record of outstanding distinction and achievement. As an esteemed lawyer, he has shaped the justice system by sharing the breadth and depth of his knowledge with the social and legal community. He is an avid supporter of the arts in Nanaimo, and is committed to the pursuit of justice.”

In his convocation address, Horn said he considers that the Honorary Doctorate of Laws conferred upon him “is recognition of the many hard working lawyers who go about their daily business keeping the wheels of justice turning.”

Since beginning his legal career in 1957, Horn has actively pursued justice. He began his career in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) during a time when the country sought independence from Great Britain. Horn ran as an opposition candidate, aided by Amnesty International, against the government, which was a proponent of apartheid and enacted laws that restricted freedom of speech and associations that were punishable by death.

Horn immigrated to Canada in 1966 with his wife and five children. They settled in Nanaimo, where he still currently lives. In Nanaimo, Mr. Horn continued his legal career, which includes being appointed Queen’s Counsel and writing many books – including the definitive text on civil litigation, which is referred by all of BC’s legal practitioners and educators as “Fraser and Horn services.

In 1989, Mr. Horn was appointed a Master of the Supreme Court at Nanaimo, filling one of several positions created in that year to share some of the civil judicial work of Supreme Court Judges, a position which saw him travel weekly to all areas of Vancouver Island.

Horn has lent his legal expertise to many in the Nanaimo and Malaspina community. He was electedas a Law Society Bencher for the County of Nanaimo, and also drew up the Malaspina Student Union Constitution at no charge. Horn has developed and delivered many Continuing Legal Education courses in the areas of Civil Procedure and Trial Advocacy.

In addition to lending his legal expertise, Horn is a supporter of the arts and was actively involved in promoting the building of the Port Theatre. He has served as Director and Chair of the Nanaimo Symphony Society, has been a member of the Nanaimo Theatre Group, and has, for many years, sung in the Malaspina Choir, for which he has also served as an executive member.

Tags: In the Community

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