International speaker coming to VIU

February 4, 2009 - 3:57am

Vancouver Island University (VIU) is hosting a public lecture February 12 by renowned ecologist and journalist Rex Weyler entitled Ecology, economy, and relocalization: how communities everywhere can resist economic dependency on globalization.

Weyler will discuss, among other things, international response to ecological and economic crisis, building resilient communities, and preserving local traditions and values.

“Globalization is running out of gas,” said Weyler. “Strong communities that grow local food, provide public transport, support community enterprise, and preserve their local integrity will suffer the least collapse.”

Weyler’s lecture is part of a new International Speakers' Series sponsored by VIU’s Global Studies and Geography departments in partnership with Global Village Nanaimo.

Weyler is a journalist and ecologist. In the 1970s, he was a cofounder of Greenpeace International and editor of the Greenpeace Chronicles. He served on Greenpeace whale, seal, and anti-nuclear campaigns. He is the author of Greenpeace: The Inside Story (Raincoast, 2004). His book Blood of the Land, a history of the American Indian Movement, was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Weyler’s most recent book, The Jesus Sayings: The quest for his authentic message (Anansi Press, 2008), is a deconstruction of the mythic Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Matthew Fox says, “Weyler liberates the historical Jesus in this solid and exciting re-telling of the origins of Christianity.”

Weyler is a co-author of Chop Wood, Carry Water: A Guide to Finding Spiritual Fulfillment in Everyday Life. His essays appear in print and on the Internet, at, at the Greenpeace International site “Deep Green” blog, at The Tyee, Common Dreams, and other sites.

Weyler also cofounded Hollyhock education centre on Cortes Island in Canada. He has served as an environmental consultant on issues of sustainable forestry, water quality, toxic waste disposal. He is currently writing a book about ecology and economy.

The lecture, with lots of time for questions, answers and discussion, will be held at VIU’s Nanaimo campus, 900 Fifth Street, Building 180 (the ASTEC Building), Room 134 (the lecture hall) from 4 to 7 pm February 12. Admission is by donation.

Tags: In the Community

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