International development speakers' series launched at VIU

October 15, 2008 - 4:34am

Global Village Nanaimo and the Global Studies program at Vancouver Island University (VIU) are launching an exciting international development speakers' series called "What's Going on?"

The series of free public lectures begins Tuesday, October 21, 7 to 9 pm, at VIU with guest speaker Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of BC.

Founder and president of the Maria-Helena Foundation, Dr. Iqbal presents a global view of the extent of poverty through his lecture entitled "Reducing Global Poverty: The Role of the Individual."

In his talk, Dr. Iqbal will discuss the prevalence of major diseases and linkages between poverty and child mortality. Dr. Iqbal will also discuss disparities between the industrialized countries and the rest of the world as well as the existence of "the global poor" (poor in rich countries) and "the global rich" (rich in the poor countries). While there is a role for governments and corporations in reducing poverty, Dr. Iqbal believes individuals can help create a more equitable world by participating in some of the Millennium Development Goals.

Dr. Iqbal has always felt a moral debt to his native Pakistan, where he received his early education but did not work. In 1996, after retiring from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at the University of BC, he decided to help poor families in Pakistan by providing educational and medical aid for them. With the help of family and friends in Canada, he established the Maria-Helena Foundation, a registered charity, in order to undertake social development projects in Pakistan

In partnerships with Pakistani civil society organizations, the Foundation has helped establish:

* Fifteen one-room, one-teacher home-schools for extremely poor children. All expenses are paid by the Foundation. About 500 children are registered in these schools.

* Nine permanent self-sustaining primary schools with a total enrolment of about 2,500 students. Two more schools are under construction and will be completed in August 2009.

* One out-patient medical clinic where about 80 patients per day receive treatment.

* Two vocational training schools in which young girls and women learn traditional needlecraft and sewing. This training helps the household economy of poor families.

Dr. Catherine Schittecatte of VIU's Global Studies program is excited about Dr. Iqbal's upcoming visit to Nanaimo and the launch of the international development speakers' series.

"Global Village Nanaimo is a local non-governmental organization involved in Fair Trade," Schittecatte explained. "Their coordinator is Samantha Letourneau, one of our graduates. So we're extremely pleased to be working with Sam and Global Village Nanaimo to launch this international speakers' series. Our hope is that the series will result in stimulating discussions and a better understanding of global issues as well as providing our students and the community an opportunity to meet individuals and organizations involved in making a difference in the world."

Dr. Iqbal's lecture takes place at Vancouver Island University, Building 355, Room 203 from 7-9 pm on Oct. 21. Admission is by donation. For more information, please contact

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